  • 學位論文


The Study on the Reform of the Tax Integration System

指導教授 : 林世銘


由於股利重複課稅會影響財務及投資決策,而產生公司偏好以借款代替投資以及盈餘偏好保留而不發放之問題。兩稅合一的目的在股利所得僅課徵一次稅,以消除股利重複課稅所造成之租稅扭曲情形。 我國自1988年起實施兩稅合一制度,係消除股利重複課稅、解決融資決策以及保留盈餘的問題,但稅務行政更趨複雜。此外,我國對未分配盈餘加徵10%之營利事業所得稅,使公司營運資金減少,由於保留盈餘對於公司營運有相當之影響,一旦保留盈餘不足,將對公司經營產生不利之的影響。 然而,大部分OECD及歐盟國家已陸續廢除設算扣抵制改為股利部分免稅法,主要原因係為避免對外資造成歧視,影響到國家間投資往來。新加坡在2003年廢除設算扣抵制改採股利所得全數免稅法。在此制下,股利在公司階段所課徵之稅負為股利最終稅負,大幅簡化稅務行政以及減少納稅義務人依從成本。 綜上所述,我國是否應仿效新加坡廢除設算扣抵制改為股利部分免稅法並設立五年之過渡期間以解決股東可扣抵稅額帳戶餘額,為本文主要探討之內容。


Double taxation of dividends has distortion effects on corporate financial and investment decision making. Double taxation encourages companies to issue debt, rather than equity, to retain, rather than distribute corporate earnings. The goal of the tax integration system is to ensure that corporate income be taxed once to reduce tax-induce distortions. The integration system came into effect in 1998 in the Republic of China, but it causes tax-related administrations to be very complicated. Retained earnings of companies are levied additionally at ten percent rate. The enterprises also complained about taxation on undistributed earnings with the reason that coporations need retained earnings to supoort sound operations. However, many OECD companies and European Union have recently replaced shareholder-credit integration system with a partial exclusion for dividends, in order to avoid discrimination against foreign investment. In Singapore, the one-tier corporate taxation system was introduced in 2002 to replace the imputation system. Under this system, corporate income is taxed at the corporate level and this is a final tax and can greatly simplify the tax code and reduce cost of tax compliance. In summary, whether our country should replace the imputation credit system with the dividend-exemption system like Singapore and set a five-year transitional period to utilize the imputation credit account balances is the main body of the thesis.


28.Auerbach A. J., 1998, Capital Gain Taxation and Tax Reform, National Tax Journal Vol (42) No (3), p391-401.
29.Durinova, I. I., 2006, Corporate Income Taxation in The New Member States of The European Union, National Economy Issues, p24-27.
30.Tax Alert of KPMG, 2002, New One-Tier Corporate Tax System, http://www.kpmg.com.sg/newsletters/taxalert200209.pdf.


