  • 學位論文

創新醫療服務之動態績效評估 -以台大醫院病患自控式術後止痛服務為例

Dynamic Performance Evaluation for Healthcare Service Innovation - A Case Study for NTUH PCA Program

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 蔣明晃 余峻瑜


近年來,醫療機構處於高度競爭的環境中,醫院為求永續經營,必須藉由尋求各種經營管理策略的導入,來提升經營績效及醫療品質;而平衡計分卡(Balanced Scorecard, BSC)在經過許多實務界實證以來廣受企業認同,但近年來部分文獻指出平衡計分卡推動的效益不如預期。另外,在醫療產業中,平衡計分卡的推動會造成許多限制,Lyell與McDonnell(2008)指出實際上醫療系統十分複雜,而平衡計分卡中處理績效指標的因果關係太過簡化,造成回饋效應被忽略;此外,平衡計分卡忽略因果關係間的時間延遲效果,許多政策的執行與推動皆須要一些時間後才能觀察到其效果的產生。系統動態學(System Dynamics, SD)可以解決上述平衡計分卡所帶來的限制,由於系統動態提供了動態且複雜的因果關係架構,並能夠同時解決時間延遲的問題,因此本研究方法主要採用系統動態學的觀點來發展發展平衡計分卡。 本研究將先探討台大醫院麻醉部目前病患自控式止痛(Patient Controlled Analgesia, PCA)服務,其為目前術後止痛最被推薦的方法。首先建立專屬於台大醫院PCA小組的平衡計分卡,並運用系統動態學方法,釐清策略、績效指標之間的因果關係,描繪因果回饋環路圖,來發展平衡計分卡的根本架構,然後透過Vensim模擬軟體進行模擬與測試,之後探究動態關係的發展情形。 研究結論與貢獻中,針對模擬出來的結果進行探討,獲得了質性、量化和敏感度三方面的分析,並提出以供未來台大醫院PCA小組的策略指導方針,以達成平衡計分卡進行策略管理的實務意涵,而這些皆為以往單純使用平衡計分卡所無法獲得的;最後為本研究限制與後續研究建議。


In healthcare industry, Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is a very common tool for evaluating organizational performance. However, nowadays healthcare system becomes more and more complicated, and BSC has limited ability to deal with the interactions between key performance indices and does not consider the effect of time lag. On the other hand, System dynamics can cope with such problems. Thus, a dynamic balanced scorecard is proposed by integrating BSC and system dynamics for managing healthcare system performance. By a case study for National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) program, this study develops a BSC based on the current practice of NTUH PCA team. Furthermore, the interactions between the key performance indices are investigated and the casual loop diagrams in system dynamics is developed by interviewing the PCA team. Finally, in this study system dynamics software Vensim is applied for model building, testing, and verification.. Based on the simulation results, a number of policies for performance improvements are suggested for the NTUH PCA team.


BSC System Dynamics Healthcare PCA Service Innovation


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楊子震(2010)。以系統動力學探討創新醫療模式之績效 -以台大醫院病患自控止痛服務小組為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.01753
