  • 學位論文


A Study on Application of Multivariate Permutation Test to Statistical Evaluation of Substantial Equivalence for Genetically Modified Products

指導教授 : 劉仁沛


現今人們已運用多種技術如:選育技術、誘變育種、和體細胞變異等…,來改造現有生物 。基改生物 (Genetically Modified Organism, GMO) 中的基改食品 (Genetically Modified Food, GM Food) 便是使用基因工程技術來改變有機生命體產生的食品。這些基因工程技術比傳統技術如誘變育種要精確許多,其中,DNA 重組技術便是由不同之有機生命體中挑選出特定 DNA 物質與其他物質合成來產生新的基因組,進而轉殖進其他有機生命體,完成基因改造。 在本研究中,我們會簡介在基改食品之評估上的實質對等性概念,在傳統作物作為一新生之基改作物的對照組下,若基改作物與其傳統對照組之間沒有生物上有意義的差距,則我們可以宣稱此一基改作物與其傳統對照組之間是實質相等的。考量了同一作物中各個性狀之間的相關性,我們使用多變量排列檢定來檢測基改產品的實質相等性。在研究中,我們以一資料作為數例來說明提出之方法並進行摸擬,比較在不同的相關性以及變數個數下,學生氏 t 檢定方法與多變量排列檢定對於基改產品安全性評估之表現。


Human modifies organisms using many kinds of techniques, such as selective breeding, mutation breeding, and somaclonal variation. A Genetically modified food (GM Food), which is derived from genetically modified organism (GMO), is an organism food whose genetic material has been changed by genetic engineering techniques. Genetic modification aims to render the resulting plant variety more favorable in nutritional quality or agronomic characteristics. The substantial equivalence is an important concept in the safety assessment of GM products including GM crops and/or the food derived from GM crops. In our study, we will introduce the concept of substantial equivalence for evaluation of GM products. Substantial equivalence is claimed if no biologically or safety meaningful difference is found between the GM product and its conventional non-GM product. With consideration of the correlation between the nutritional and agronomic characteristics within the same crop, we applied multivariate permutation test to evaluate substantial equivalence of GM foods. We conducted simulation study in different correlations and different number of variables to compare the performance between the multivariate permutation test and t test. We also used a numerical example to illustrate the proposed procedure.


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