  • 學位論文


Exploring the Translator’s Role from the Perspective of Translaboration:An Analysis of MOFA’s Bilingual Translation on Facebook

指導教授 : 孔思文


譯者的角色是一個探討已久的議題,提供了無數的定義和概念,其於我們數位化的現代世界中還是具有重大的重要性。此項研究從Alfer(2017)所提出的translaboration之角度來分析譯者的角色。Translaboration為翻譯學之新興概念,堅持協作(collaboration)在翻譯過程當中所扮演關鍵角色。Translaboration框架注重來自不同領域的概念的融合(blending of concepts) , 以 及 強 調 跨 學 科 (transdisciplinarity)與跨文化(transculturality)不可或缺的必要性。在社群媒體與數位公共外交之間,translaboration有助於促進全球外展,因此,此研究以台灣外交部(MOFA)為目標,進行初步探討,此概念如何能應用在台灣的政治情況。外交部試圖透過中文和英文雙語貼文,並利用影片、圖像、井號和表情符號等其他數位功能,來更有效地吸引Facebook觀眾之注意力與支持。當兩位最主要的角色一起合作而成為translaborators之時,創建這些雙語貼文為一種協作的過程,不僅需要一個或兩個人的投入,亦包括外交部不同層次中的專業人員的回饋跟批評,並且隨著協作的進行,知識和學科融合在一起,從而重塑譯者的目的和角色。作為一個固有政治性的部門,台灣外交部部內的決策與方針很自然地會受到意識形態(ideology)與製度文化(institutional culture)之影響,尤其對於translaborator而言,此兩個影響力塑造並界定任務和要發揮的技能,以執行該翻譯過程。在採訪參與此過程的外籍translaborator之後,本研究能發現這種新穎而多彩的在線外交方法背後的工作流程,為translaboration和譯者的角色(例如,如何從不同共存的視角與角色來共享翻譯與編輯任務)作出貢獻。因此,本研究思考:這些每日發布的貼文背後的動機和合作策略為何?此外,該貼文如何重塑譯者所扮演的角色?


Without a doubt, social media has become the most pervasive tool for communication in this new century. What initially began as a niche website of users to share photos and birthday greetings, Facebook is now the source of news and entertainment for many. This ever-increasing trend has also transformed into a battlefield of ideologies, both global, institutional and individual. As Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) posts bilingual texts on its Facebook account, translation occurs in a system driven by collaboration, ideology, and the translator’s role. In this study, we will examine the collaborative process undertaken within the ministry to carefully craft these parallel bilingual texts in its Facebook posts from the perspective of translaboration. In this pursuit, the study asks the following questions: What motivations and collaborative strategies lie behind daily publications and how might they reshape the role(s) played by the translator? Uncovering the workflow existing behind this new and colorful method of online diplomacy might just open new doors into researching translaboration and translation identities within this digital society of mass communication.


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