  • 學位論文


A Study on Factors Associated with Child’s Behavior at First Dental Visit

指導教授 : 郭敏光


關於影響孩童看牙行為表現的因素,已在許多國外回溯性的研究中提出討論。我們發現到,在看牙不合作的族群中,有不愉快牙科經驗所佔的比率並不高;因此本研究的目的為,經由孩童第一次的看牙行為表現,探討與牙科經驗無關的一些既存因素。本研究對象包含120位健康的孩童(62位女生及58位男生),年齡在2~6歲之間且沒有牙科經驗。利用問卷方式收集主要照顧者及孩童的背景資料,並且使用量表測量主要照顧者及孩童的牙科焦慮程度,而Frankl’s Rating Scale用來分級評估孩童在第一次看牙中的表現;此外,也紀錄了孩童的齲齒狀況(dfs)和口腔衛生情形,最後使用GEE model的羅吉斯迴歸進行統計分析。統計結果顯示,牙痛、不良的口腔衛生、高齲齒指數、幼小的年齡、男生、以及害羞的氣質特性,與第一次看牙不合作的行為表現有關 。此結果暗示,對於第一次看牙的兒童,除了使用看診前的行為改變技術之外,良好的口腔衛生對於孩童的看牙行為表現,有正面的影響。


Factors associated with child’s uncooperative behavior at dental settings had been discussed in a number of retrospective studies. Low percentage of negative behavior due to unpleasant dental experience was noted. The purpose of this study was to explore inherent factors which are not associated with dental experience in child’s behavior at the first dental visit. The study consisted of 120 healthy children (62 female and 58 male), whose age from 2~6 y/o and have no dental experience before. Data collected from questionnaires for guardians’ and children’s background containing psychometric scales of guardian and child’s dental anxiety level. Child’s behavior during first dental visit was rated with Frankl’s rating scale. Caries index (dfs) and oral hygiene status were evaluated as well. A logistic regression of GEE model was used for data analysis. Results revealed that toothache, poor oral hygiene, higher caries index, younger age, male, shyness temperament are related to uncooperative behavior at first dental visit. The results imply that in addition to pre-appointment behavior modification, good oral hygiene practices play an important role to positively influence the child’s behavior before the first dental visit.


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