  • 學位論文


The comparison and analysis between Chinese Communist Party and Korea's worker's Party :The study of the power core

指導教授 : 邱榮舉


自從一九一九年十月在俄國布爾什維克已取得勝利後,世界上先後出現十六個共黨國家,而到了二十世紀末期,在蘇聯與東歐鉅變之後,世界上僅存中國、越南、北韓、古巴等四個共黨國家,本論文特別針對中國與北韓兩國長期執政的共產黨之權力核心運作問題進行比較分析。 中國的中國共產黨與北韓的朝鮮勞動黨,於一九四九年與一九四八年各自建國以來,就是自覺地以蘇聯共產黨的布爾什維克為榜樣。因此,中國與北韓兩個國家的共產黨不但採取了蘇聯黨的組織模式,同時,也採用了列寧的「黨的領導體制」和史達林的「無產階級專政體制」的理論和實踐,來建立各自的黨國體制。 本論文主要是探討中國的中國共產黨與北韓的朝鮮勞動黨之權力核心運作問題,筆者分別從該兩黨的黨中央組織、黨領導權力繼承及黨軍關係三方面,來比較分析兩個共黨國家長期執政的共產黨之異同。 一、關於中國共產黨與朝鮮勞動黨的黨中央組織 關於兩個共黨的黨中央組織方面,主要的研究發現有二: (一)黨中央組織的權力核心機構不同 1. 中國共產黨的黨中央組織是以中央政治局為權力核心,而中央政治局常委會更是權力核心的核心 2.北韓的朝鮮勞動黨的黨中央組織,是以秘書局為權力核心 (二)兩共產黨的黨的組織原則(民主集中制)的內容有所同也有所不同 二、關於中國共產黨與朝鮮勞動黨的黨領導權力繼承 (一)中國的中國共產黨的黨領導權力繼承,已採「集體領導和個人分工負責相結合」的制度 (二)北韓的朝鮮勞動黨的黨領導權力繼承,則是採「大家長」制的個人獨裁和世世代代血統繼承 三、關於中國共產黨與朝鮮勞動黨的黨軍關係 (一)中國的中國共產黨的黨軍關係,就是堅持黨對軍隊的絕對領導,堅持「黨指揮槍」 (二)北韓的朝鮮勞動黨的黨軍關係,已漸顯示「槍指揮黨」的趨向


Abstract Ever since Bolshevik won victory in Russia in October 1919, sixteen communist countries have emerged one after another. However, at the end of the twentieth century after the dramatic change in Russia and eastern Europe, only four communist countries exist in the world-China, Vietnam, North Korea and Cuba. This dissertation analyzes the power center of the long-term ruling parties of China and North Korea. The Chinese Communist Party and the North Korea’s Worker’s Party established its regime respectively in 1949 and 1948, taking the Bolshevik as the model. Therefore, the communist party in both countries adopted Russia’s organizational structure. Meanwhile, they also adopted Lenin’s “system led by the party” and Stalin’s “proletarian dictatorship” as their party-state system. This dissertation focuses on the operation of power centers of the Chinese Communist Party and the North Korea’s Worker’s Party. I compare the two ruling communist parties in three aspects-the central structure of the party, the succession of the party’s leadership, and the party-military relationship. 1. The Central Structure of the Chinese Communist Party and the North Korea’s Worker’s Party: In this respect, there are two importance findings: 1) The central structures of the parties’ power centers are different a. The central organization of the Chinese Communist Party is the Politburo, and the Standing Committees of the core of the center. b. Secretariat is the power center of the North Korea’s Worker’s Party The organizational principle -Democratic centralism-of the two parties are also different 2. The succession of the party’s leadership 1) The succession of the Chinese Communist Party’s leadership has adopted the system of “collective leadership and individual division of labor.” 2) The succession of the North Korea’s Worker’s Party’s leadership has adopted “parental” dictatorship and generation blood succession. 3. The party-military relationship of the Chinese Communist Party and the North Korea’s Worker’s Party 1) The party-military relationship of the Chinese Communist Party adheres to the absolute leadership- “The Party Commands the Gun.” 2) The party-military relationship of the North Korea’s Worker’s Party has gradually shown the tendency of “the Gun Commands the Party”


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