  • 學位論文


The road that’s taken: Professional tennis players as students

指導教授 : 雷光涵 劉錦璋


本深度採訪論文以台灣職業網球運動員的求學路程作為關注焦點,藉由深度採訪和資料檢索,期能呈現台灣整體社會結構下,職業運動員的學業與就業問題所受到的忽視,以及現階段學校、選手和家長以及社會三方面的平衡關係。 本深度採訪論文主要結論如下: 一、 台灣社會「文憑主義」的思維仍舊僵化,職業運動員的表現固然傑出,但社會風氣並不提倡職業運動,雖然休閒運動已風行一段時間,但職業運動員退休後的出路問題並未被重視。 二、 有鑒於大環境不佳,職業運動員與學校的配合能讓他們一方面走自己專長的道路,一方面取得學歷為自己未來的人生規劃多添一份保障,尤其是一般運動選手退休後屬意從事教職者眾,若要進學校,學力必須在一定程度之上。 三、 職業選手以兼職學生的身分就讀,對體育專業學校而言,盡量給予選手求學上的便利,同時也能鼓勵選手有好的表現為學校爭光,在學校的角度來看,並不認為選手拿到這樣的學歷是憑空得來,因為體育專業學校所著重的專業和一般升學管道不同。 四、 職業運動員需要的尊重不只是在他們光榮的時刻,他們所面臨到的就業、轉換跑道等問題其實一般人也都會遇到,而他們為了追求自身和國家榮耀,付出大部分的心血與精力,但選手必須體認到提早做生涯規劃、多方學習涉獵新知是每個人都必須接受的挑戰。


職業網球員 學歷 文憑


The purpose of the in-depth reporting thesis is to focus on Taiwan’s professional tennis players that also have student identities. Because of the tradition thoughts and poor conditions for athletes, they are permitted to being tennis pro and playing the student role in the same time, for the sake of the day they no longer play tennis as a job. Using in-depth interview and data collecting, the results of this reporting thesis are as following: 1. Taiwan’s sport system is still lack of planning and regulating to take care of the elite athletes while they leave the sports field. 2. From the above mentioned, although the players spare no efforts reaching higher and higher rankings in tennis courts, they have to as good antecedents as possible. 3. For the schools that can suit the players’ needs, the administrators look forward to attracting more elite athletes to make the school more famous or get better records or fame, and such mutualism relationships are very common today. 4. Those elite tennis professionals have been facing all kinds of conflicts both in the past days and today. People and media are used to spot light on their fabulous performs in sports but not familiar with their multiple role playing in schools, life planning in retirement, or injuries and budget problems. The most important lesson for the elite professionals is to make future programming ahead of schedule.


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