  • 學位論文


Stakeholders Analysis of A Proposed National Park-The Case Study of Green Island

指導教授 : 張長義


針對綠島國家公園案的爭議,本研究從權益關係人的取徑方式,採質性訪談,有以下兩個研究目的: 一、探究綠島在籌設國家公園時,各權益關係人對此案的立場與態度,並分析衝突背後的權益結構,以及探討劃設國家公園過程中政府與民間各部門的互動關係,來了解綠島國家公園暫緩實施的原因。 二、藉由分析綠島與其他未能成功設立國家公園的個案進行比較,來討論台灣建制國家公園的機制是否合宜,並希望未來在籌設國家公園時,能提供一些適當的建議。 研究發現:居民反對設立國家公園的原因有:採集權、生活權、生計權被剝奪,以及建築及土地使用的限制等;另田野紀錄顯示鄉民代表會所做的「設立國家公園贊成與否」的高比例反對問卷調查結果,可信度並不高;而在地居民對國家公園的設立意見的呈現,可能與龐大的觀光產業利益有關。


To investigate the dispute for the proposed Green Island National Park, this study adopts a stakeholder approach and qualitative methods to circumvent the viewpoints and attitude of its stakeholders. There are two objectives in this study: 1. By analyzing the beneficiary structure behind conflicts, and revealing interactions among stakeholders in its planning and designation process to understand the reason of shelving the arrangement in the case of Green Island. 2. By comparing the case of Green Island with other failed cases to know which links of the process to arrange the national park went wrong and thereby to further provide suggestions for other national parks in the future. The results show those reasons for the local opposition for the proposed national park including: limitation of rights for exploitation, collecting, livelihoods and development rights, as well as the constraints on housing and land use. Low credibility is found for the ambiguous results of the questionnaire conducted by the local township council demonstrating a very high degree of opposition by local population toward the proposed national park. This study argues that the local opposition may be related to the huge interests of tourism development.


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