  • 學位論文


A Study of the Location Allocation of Battery Switch Station for Electric Bus in Urban Area

指導教授 : 張學孔


近年來溫室氣體效應造成了氣候的劇烈變遷,其中以石化能源為主的大量消耗是溫室氣體排放日益嚴重的主因。有鑑於此,節能減碳已是各國政府推動永續發展、減緩溫室氣體效應之明確政策。在我國能源的來源絕大部分仰賴國外進口,石油危機嚴重衝擊我國的能源安全,因此我國政府也逐漸重視綠色環保問題,並推動各種綠能產業政策以降低國內對於石化能源的需求與依賴,其中包括電動車輛產業,而除了電動摩托車與輕型載具之推動,我國交通部也明確將市區電動公車作為各類運具電動化之重要先導政策。 若要健全推廣電動公車,充電設施的設置為一大議題,設置充電設施必須付出相當之建造成本,在推廣初期電動公車數量不多的情境下,以電池配送的概念取代建置充電設施以解決需求是可行方案;因而在此情境下,如何決定設置區位以及充電設施規模以滿足各階段不同規模發展需求並減少推行阻力,進而達到普及的效果,實為一重要議題。本研究主要目的係針對電動公車換電站之區位選擇問題,利用混合整數規劃模式建構一包含換電站設施成本、換電站維護成本、電池運送成本之成本模式,期能在總成本最小化目標下求解最佳換電站區位和換電站規模。 研究中並以大都會汽車客運公司為實例分析對象以驗證模式之適用性,研究結果顯示,在車隊規模汰換5%為電動公車之情境下,以電池配送概念取代各場站內建置換電站其總成本可降低23%,而19個公車場站中也僅7處需設置換電站,其中以松職站設置之換電站最具規模。敏感度分析顯示,模式目標受配送電池之運輸成本、充電設施成本之影響相當顯著。本研究建立之模式及分析結果,可作為柴油公車逐步汰換至電動公車過程中換電站區位及規模規畫設計之參考。


The greenhouse effect has caused the dramatic change in climate while the large consumption of fossil energy is main reason making the green house effect worse. Therefore, energy saving and carbon emission reduction has become the most important policy for governments to develop a sustainable environment and slow down the greenhouse effect. The energy resource of our country is very dependent on foreign import, so the oil crisis impacts our country’s energy security seriously. Therefore, our government has initiated and proposed a series of green energy industrial policies to reduce domestic demand of fossil energy while electric vehicles are one of the main policies. Within this EV policy, one of the most important pilot programs is the application of electric bus in the urban area. To improve the promotion of electric buses, how to build the charging facilities is a crucial issue due to its huge capital investment and maintenance cost in the early stage. Therefore, this study presents a new concept for electric bus energy supply system, i.e., a combination of the installation of battery switch stations in selected bus depots and the shipment of batteries to other bus depots without battery switch station. Based on this concept, the study applies the mixed integer programming skill to formulate a mathematical model to optimize the combination while facility location and facility scale of battery switch stations are obtained. The objective of this model is minimum the total cost which consist of the facility cost and maintenance cost of battery switch station and the transportation cost for battery shipment. This study uses Metropolitan Transport Corporation as the case study. It is found that 7 of the 19 bus depots are selected to install the battery switch stations. It is also shown that optimization results can save about 23% of total cost compared to installation of battery switch stations in all bus depots in the early stage of promoting electric bus.


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