  • 學位論文


A Study on the Key Success Factors of Agricultural Experts who Adopt Traceability Systems

指導教授 : 王俊豪


自從 1996 年狂牛病蔓延開來之後,從歐盟、日本等先進國家陸續將食品安全列為21世紀農業及消費的首先必須要進行的課題,在各國家都會有制定適合農業發展與符合現在國際潮流的稱為「良好農業規範」(GAP),台灣的農產品產銷履歷制度在種植及養殖方面有台灣良好的農業規範,規範其優良合格的生產過程。目前食品可追溯制度在國內農業應用上稱為「產銷履歷制度」,農產品生產面則稱為「生產履歷制度」。主要為「農產品生產」、「加工」、「分裝」、「流通過程」、符合中央主管機關明文制訂出之檢驗證明之標準,並經驗證機構驗證合法,並且公正明示、販售等各歩驟過程,並確實將資訊仔細記錄登打於電腦裡,由第三機構驗證之後,可以在產品上以貼紙上明列公開。另外為因應 WTO 之衝擊,保障消費者飲食安全,拓展農產品國內外行銷,提升我們在國際上的競爭力,我國行政院農業委員會(以下簡稱農委會)於2003年開始收集歐日等先進國家食品安全的適用辦法,自2004年起開始推動計畫範本,並逐年擴大推廣。 本研究將以質性研究方法,進行半結構式的深度訪談方法,預先設計研究訪談大綱作為訪談的問題,建立層級衡量構面架構,研究討論影響產銷履歷達人關鍵成功因素。經訪談及歸納之結果,產銷履歷達人關鍵成功因素的影響因素為4大構面分別「產品服務」「顧客介面」「基礎管理」「財務方向」等,作為關鍵因素主要構面,在 2010 年農委會開始將舉辦「產銷履歷達人」徴選活動,借由與達人分享農場的栽培方式、經營理念,並且如何與制度相得益彰,發揚這個大品牌,讓消費者瞭解這制度的好處,使農友生產出好的產品,提供給消費者一個放心的採購與食用。


Since the spread of mad cow disease in 1996, advanced countries such as the European Union and Japan have listed food safety as a must-have issue for agriculture and consumption in the 21st century. The trend is called "Good Agricultural Practice" (GAP). The agricultural product traceability system in Taiwan has good practices in planting and breeding to regulate its production process. The traceability system in domestic agricultural applications is nowadays called the "food traceability system", and the "agricultural product traceability system" in the production of agricultural products. The agricultural product traceability system mainly regulates the following four processes: agricultural production, processing, sub-packaging, and commercial flow, which must meet the standards of the inspection certificate expressly formulated by the central competent authority, and be verified as legal by the verification agency, and records the information carefully on the computer. After verification by a third organization, it can be listed publicly on the product as a sticker. In addition, in response to the impact of the WTO, to ensure consumer food safety, to expand domestic and overseas marketing of agricultural products, and to enhance our international competitiveness, the Agricultural Committee has began to collect applicable methods for food safety from advanced countries such as Europe and Japan since 2003 and started to promote the program model in 2004 until now. This study will use qualitative research methods, conduct semi-structured in-depth interviews, pre-design research interview outlines as interview questions, establish a hierarchical measurement structure, and study and discuss the key success factors that affect agricultural product traceability. According to the results of interviews and summaries, the 4 key factors that influence the agricultural product traceability system experts to be successful are: product service, customer interface, fundamental management, and financial indicator. The Agricultural Committee started to hold a "agricultural product traceability system experts" election campaign in 2010. By sharing the farm's cultivation methods, business philosophy, and how to complement the system to promote the brand, let consumers understand the benefits of this system, let farmers make better agricultural products and provide consumers with a secure purchase and consumption.


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