  • 學位論文


Evaluation of the c-fos gene expression in mice while learning two-choice dynamic foraging task

指導教授 : 賴文崧


學習與記憶是個體於變動的環境中謀取生存與競爭的重要能力。迄今,我們已知神經可塑性、神經元群集(neural ensemble)均為重要的基礎神經機制,亦已擁有有力的工具辨認那些參與不同種行為的腦區中的神經元群集(如c-fos基因活化神經元)。因此,使對參與如現實中不確定情境下學習及記憶的多個相關腦區進行腦部神經活動圖譜分析(brain mapping)成為可能。採用可模擬環境中不確定與變動學習情境的行為作業,而且不僅僅針對部分功能而是大範圍地檢驗與整體學習行為有關係腦區參與程度的研究仍然不足。因此,本研究採用具有機率學習(probabilistic learning)設計的小鼠二選項動態覓食作業(two-choice dynamic foraging task)模擬真實環境中不確定且變動的學習情境,並透過初步大範圍檢驗後再針對有潛力腦區進行複驗的方式,整體地檢驗從初始學習至記憶回憶階段小鼠腦部14個與該行為作業有關區域之c-fos基因活化神經元活化表現。研究結果顯示這些腦區的神經活化表現在二選項動態覓食作業不同學習階段間無顯著差異,表示這些腦區參與二選項動態覓食作業特定學習階段之可能性低。本研究可提供後續相關議題研究者更多的研究經驗,特別有助於在研究方法與感興趣區域選取方面的思考。


Learning and memory is an important ability for survival and competition of individuals in the changing environment. Nowadays, we have known that neural plasticity and neural ensemble are both the important neural mechanisms in basic, and we also have potent tools to identify neural ensemble, like c-fos gene expressing neurons, in brain regions which might be recruited in types of behaviors. As a result, brain mapping of brain regions involving in learning and memory under uncertain circumstances like reality becomes possible. Nevertheless, researches which adopt proper behavioral tasks modeling learning during changing, uncertain situations and widely examine the extent of involvement of brain regions related to not only partial functions but overall learning behaviors are still insufficient. As a result, in our research we used the two-choice dynamic foraging task of mice which included the setting of probabilistic learning in order to model the changing and uncertain conditions of learning like reality. After learning, we did the region-wide c-fos gene expression examination in mice brain which included 14 brain regions related to that behavioral task from initial learning to memory retrieval phase first and chose the potential regions to reinspect for validation carefully. The results revealed that there were no significant differences in extent of c-fos gene expression of examined brain regions in mice between different learning phases in the two-choice dynamic foraging task and suggest that these brain regions have less possibilities to involve in specific learning phases in the two-choice dynamic foraging task of mice. Our study could provide future researchers more experiences in relevant research issues, especially in consideration of research methods and selection of regions of interest.


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