  • 學位論文

智慧型建築安全監控系統需求性調查初步研究 ─ 以大台北地區住宅大樓為例

A Preliminary Study on the Needs of Security and Surveillance Systems for Intelligent Buildings ─ Case Studies on Taipei Metropolitan Residential Buildings

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


有鑑於資訊與通訊科技的發展與普及,人們日常生活作息早已與資通科技緊密結合。在科技與生活的界線日益模糊之際,不僅傳統生活模式正逐漸改變中,且大多都會地區生活相關的居住空間也已逐步結合資通科技,以因應此一趨勢。在考量安全、節能、便利、舒適概念的驅動下,智慧型建築儼然成為現在與未來建築之主流。 以往在智慧型建築的安全監控系統規劃過程中,作為產品供給方的建商、建築師,或設計規劃團隊之參予者,大多以過去的經驗或揣摩使用者的心態來擬定相關方案,且該領域之研究多由先進技術觀點著墨。此種設計方式固然可行,然而,就日後之實用性而言,卻仍有思維不周之憾。 有鑑於此,本研究主旨乃嘗試由使用者觀點著手,探究使用者對安全監控之需求為何?以及由使者觀點建議更為實用、務實之安全監控設計。本研究藉由量化導向的個案研究法與質化導向的個案訪談法,展開系列調查與研究。首先,進行使用者(含一般民眾及欲購屋民眾)與專家(建商、系統整合商)的問卷調查,進一步瞭解使用者需求與專家認知間的差異;繼而針對台灣主要安全監控系統規劃廠商進行深度訪談,瞭解業界領導廠商是否能在技術面配合使用者需求。針對前述使用者與專家觀點所彙總而成之八大需求構面,本研究再以「情境模擬法」驗證改進後之安全監控系統之設計發展的可行性。 本研究誠摯期盼此改良後的安全監控系統能提供實用與整合性解決方案,以滿足最重要使用者之需求。同時,期盼本研究結果可作為未來提供更安全更優良之智慧型建築安全監控系統設計時,參酌仿效之標竿性資料。


Due to the development and proliferation of information and communication technologies (ICTs), people’s daily lives are indispensably relied on these tools. The blurring boundaries between ICTs and human lives have increasingly made traditional ways of living changed and spaces and buildings within most of metropolitans have gradually equipped with ICTs to cope with the underlying trend. Based on concepts of safety, energy conservation, convenience, and comfort, intelligent buildings’ designs have gradually become the main stream of the present and future architectures. Players participated in traditional design processes for the security and surveillance systems for intelligent buildings, such as products providers (such as construction companies) or project design teams (such as system integrators) mainly based on their past experience or “expected” requirements of users to design these systems. And the previous studies related to security and surveillance systems were focused attention on the state-of-the-art technologies. Although the traditional aspects for security and surveillance systems design are feasible, it does leave plenty rooms for improvement in terms of practicality and comprehensiveness. As a result, the aim of this research is attempting to identify the requirements of end-users and suggest a more practical and pragmatic security and surveillance system design by approaching the issue from the perspective of the direct and indirect users and beneficiaries of the systems. Through quantitative case studies and qualitative in-depth interviews, this research conducted series of survey and research. The first step was to realize the differences between end-users (direct and indirect users of security and surveillance systems) and experts (construction companies and system integrators) through questionnaire survey. Then, qualitative in-depth interviews of five main system integrators based in Taiwan were conducted to understand technological feasibility. Based on the eight dimensions obtained from end-users and expert’s survey, a new set of user requirements and functional specifications for an improved security and surveillance system has then been designed, developed, and tested through different scenario simulations. There is a hope that this improved security and surveillance system will provide a practical and integrated solution to fulfill the most important end-user needs. Additionally, this will hopefully act as a benchmark for future improvements in the security and surveillance products, and provide a better and safer intelligent building design for the future.


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