  • 學位論文

悲劇或鬧劇?論Maurice Meisner眼中的中國

Tragedy vs. Farce: Maurice Meisner's Historiographic Indecision on Maoist/Chinese Socialism and Its Aftermath

指導教授 : 石之瑜


馬克思曾經說過,所有偉大的歷史事變和人物總會出現兩次,第一次是以悲劇出現,第二次則是以鬧劇出現。而共產中國的歷史究竟是一場重複蘇聯歷史的鬧劇?還是一場獨特的、在歷史舞台上第一次登場的悲劇?不同的答案,代表的是不同的立場,特別是對於馬克思主義理論的立場。 Maurice Meisner是美國中國學學術社群裡,研究中國近代歷史的重要學者。他以對馬克思主義的獨特理解,做為詮釋中國歷史的理論架構,並因此做出對不同時期的「中國化馬克思主義」的不同評價。這些評價不僅對中國研究有著影響力,同時也引發了不少爭議。例如他將毛澤東思想上升到毛主義的理論位置,並且指出毛主義裡的民粹主義、唯意志論與烏托邦主義成分。而他指出毛澤東之後的中國已逐漸遠離社會主義,更受到中國學者強烈的批評。不過,即使他對中國懷抱著失落感,卻仍然認為中國的共產革命是偉大的,並且同意毛澤東對於馬克思主義有著許多的貢獻。因此,對他而言,共產中國的歷史雖然因其獨特性而非是重複蘇聯歷史的鬧劇,但卻因逐漸遠離目標而為以失敗結尾的悲劇。 只是,若進一步檢驗這樣的詮釋,以及其他人對於Meisner研究的評價,則可以發現他們爭論的核心,正是對於馬克思主義的不同理解。且這些理解還同時反映了時代的需求,亦即隨著客觀環境的演變,馬克思主義的內容不斷的擴張,但也因而離馬克思的思想越來越遠。此外,Meisner對於中國的詮釋亦反映其政治理想,且這樣的理想更是他批判中國的標準,而這樣的做法是有待商榷的。不過,Meisner的嘗試與其研究成果仍然是受到廣泛肯定的,即使他所採用的研究架構已逐漸不為人所用。因此,希望藉由本研究的重新檢驗,能使人更深入的理解這樣的架構,進而使得未來其他的研究者能有一個可見的對照,以豐富中國研究。


Marx once said, all great world-historic facts and personages appear twice: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce. Does the history of the People’s Republic of China repeat the history of the Soviet and just be a farce? Or, is it a unique one to the history and, accordingly, a tragedy? The different answers represent different position, especially on the Marxism theory. Maurice Meisner is an important scholar who studies modern China history in American China scholars. He applies a special interpretation of Marxism to studying China and judging Chinese Marxism during different periods. His writings have affected not only China study, but also incurred a much wider debate on the nature of Marxism. Specifically, he summarizes Mao Zedong's thought into what he calls Maoism. Moreover, he identifies the populist, voluntarist, and utopianist ingredients in Maoism. Chinese scholars are especially critical aobut his treatment of post-Mao ear as a move away from socialism. Although he is disappointed at the Cultural Revolution, he nonetheless believes that the Chinese Communist Revolution is of great significance and that Mao contributed dearly to the evolution of Marxism. One could gather from Meisner, on one hand, that the history of the People’s Republic of China is unique, hence not just a farce that repeated the history of the Soviet. On the other, since China has aborted its socialist goal, it is a tragedy or a failure. However, Meisner’s engagement with other Marxist scholars reflects different understandings of Marxism, which primarily answer to the need of the time. Marxism of different period vary and the later ones expand on the earlier ones. Marxism iinevitably moves away from Marx’s original thought. After all, the interpretation offered by Meisner could only reflect his political ideas of the time by which he evaluates Chinese socialism. Despite controversy around his scholarship or today’s lack of interest in it, Meisner is widely recognized scholar. Revisit to his scholarship should be useful in refreshing on how China studies have move a long way as well as how Meisner’s legacy could be an enlightening contrast to what is thought as obvious today.


石之瑜,2005,《社會科學知識新論 : 文化研究立場十評》,台北:國立台灣大學出版中心。


