  • 學位論文


An Analysis on Deictic Third Person Blocking Effect

指導教授 : 邱力璟


本文以華語反身代詞「自己」為研究對象,主要探究影響「自己」指向的因素,以及受到長距離約束的「自己」是否會展現「直指性第三人稱阻斷效應」。實際現象:當說話者在提及第三人稱「他」時指向說話現場的一人,這樣的「直指性第三人稱」位在子句主語位置時,是否會阻止位在子句賓語的「自己」回指到主句主語?本文從前人文獻中提出的一些影響反身詞指向因素著手,探究各種句子內部及句子外部的影響原因,並以針對母語者進行的「語感測試」為輔助,以驗證文獻提出的可能影響指向因素是否確實符合母語者語感。 從前人文獻討論長距離反身詞的例句可以發現長距離反身詞出現的環境為包孕句,本文由此先界定出適合討論長距離反身詞的包孕句,並以此來進行其他因素的討論和測試。由於包孕句帶有「母句引介子句事件」的意涵,因此主句動詞和子句動詞的種類會因為包孕句本身語義的關係而受到限制,而主句及子句動詞的種類會對「自己」的指向產生影響。除了動詞的干擾,句子內部的其他成份如動貌標記、介詞、名詞的距離也會對「自己」先行語的選擇產生偏好。最後本文跳脫句子本身,而進一步探究整個包含「自己」的語境,找出說話者所以使用反身代詞「自己」之原因為「將立場轉換至事件參與者上」,功能有軟化語氣、生動敘事等。 綜上所述,能左右「自己」指向的因素眾多,包括:動詞的種類(主句動詞和子句動詞)、動詞所帶的動貌標記、名詞與「自己」的距離以及使用的語境和說話者的語用意圖,「直指性第三人稱阻斷效應」在許多情況下對指向的影響並不比上述因素來得多,換句話說,「直指性第三人稱阻斷效應」或許也可以說是因為受到上述因素影響而產生或加強的,因此「直指性第三人稱阻斷效應」實際上效力十分薄弱,遠比不上第一人稱和第二人稱阻斷效應。


The subject of this dissertation is the reference mechanics of the Chinese reflexive “Ziji.” There are two main goals: first, to analyze the factors which affect the reference of “Ziji”; and second, to see whether or not the “deictic third person blocking effect” exists. In a situation that the speaker points at someone while speaking, will the pointing of this third person pronoun block the co-reference of “Ziji” and matrix subject in an embedded clause? In other words, will the “Ziji” in the sentence thus refer to the embedded subject? We will first go through the previous literatures to figure out the factors affecting the reference of “Ziji”. Secondly, we will conduct an “intuition test” to examine if these factors do accord with the judgement of Chinese native speakers. According to the previous literatures, it is pointed out that the long distance “Ziji” appears in the context of “embedded clauses”. Thus, we design a set of embedded clauses to test the factors affecting the reference of reflexive “Ziji.” The factors including matrix verbs, embedded verbs, aspect markers and the distance between the nouns will all affect the choice of the antecedent. Aside from the factors in the sentence, the speaker’s intention is also an important factor. The usage of “Ziji” can help the speaker switch to the role of the one in the proposition, which can soften the tone and make the statement vivid. The reference of “Ziji” could be determined by many factors. Comparing with these factors, the deictic third person blocking effect performs not as strong. The phenomenon of the deictic third person blocking effect can be described as the mixture of the other factors.


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