  • 學位論文


A Study of The Digital Convergence Impacts on Television Media Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃崇興


臺灣的電視媒體產業發展迄今已逾四十年,自1970年代起從發展初期僅有三家公營無線電視台到目前國內外頻道業者眾多、競爭激烈的有線電視,以提供影音內容並以廣告營收為重的電視產業始終是雄踞領先地位的媒體主流。 臺灣經濟成長力道之趨緩使得與內需民生消費息息相關的電視媒體產業面臨嚴峻的廣告收入增長瓶頸。電視媒體遭遇更大的衝擊是來自數位科技發展改變了民眾消費媒體的行為模式;觀眾不再被動的接受傳統電視以線性編播之頻道模式所提供大眾制式的影音內容,多數觀眾傾向主動選擇個人偏好的節目欄目並彈性運用便利的數位接收設備(如:行動電話與平板電腦)即時取得內容,多螢幕閱聽趨勢已蔚然成型且迅速擴散。 數位匯流的大趨勢下,各個產業的邊界線愈來愈模糊;來自本地與國際間許多他項產業業者都企圖轉型跨入廣義的媒體領域,爭相與傳統電視媒體業者競逐臺灣觀眾眼球,目標是直接建立與終端消費者的關聯及認同,以捍衛其市場規模或創造新的商業利益。目前臺灣媒體市場的實況就是越來越多的各方業者投入,過度競爭與越來越破碎的市場導致了很難形成獲利市場規模的困境。 本研究採取探索式研究,從臺灣電視媒體產業的背景、特性與商業生態系統現況解析為起點,以產業趨勢為基礎,進行預測數位匯流影響下電視媒體產業未來的商業生態系統, 並進一步嘗試架構新的營利模式與競合關係,企圖尋求既有電視媒體業者可順利適應產業變化並永續營運成長的契機。 現有電視媒體業者已無法維持傳統商業模式,僅靠廣告與單一傳輸平台所取得的節目授權收入來維持營運的成長。在數位匯流帶來的多螢幕傳輸平台與開放的國際市場機會中,面臨的競爭與挑戰是大幅增加的,也提高了管理策略的複雜度與困難度。特別是面對國內外競爭跨業對手所擁有的資金或技術或市場規模優勢,臺灣傳統電視媒體格外需要掌握「內容為王」的關鍵能力並調整營運策略。 本研究建議臺灣電視媒體應強化影音內容的製作專業能力以作為必備的核心能力,在未來新的商業生態系統內應定位為「內容提供者」的角色,而非勉強競逐經營「平台營運者」這類資金與技術基礎門檻條件甚高的項目;既有電視媒體業者可以節目自製的專業能力與完整版權片庫為營運轉型起點,爭取與多螢傳輸平台的緊密合作,建立對極大化觀眾群的連結與影響力。 未來媒體產業發展將形成系統與系統、聯盟與聯盟間的競爭,電視媒體業者需要策略性結合商業生態系統內資源互補的合作夥伴,發展多贏創新的商業模式,共同利用既有內容片庫價值及對觀眾的影響力去開發新的營收項目,以形成行銷產品線齊全的範疇經濟或營運市場擴充的規模經濟。以此,除了防禦性的減少數位匯流趨勢帶來對傳統營收項目的威脅,更可積極主動尋求臺灣以外的市場機會與營運資金挹注,由境外的市場規模實現企業成長的目標與願景。


The television industry has gained the absolute leadership in Taiwan over 40 years. From the first 3 public terrestrial TVs, which established in 1970's to the competitive Cable TV channels, television media successfully attract the audience and advertisers as the main video content providers. The operation of TV media in Taiwan becomes more and more difficult, the advertising revenue has been attacked by the declining domestic spending resulted from the stagnant economy. The more serious threat is the weakening audience preference distracted by digital development. Audience is unsatisfied with the traditional lineal programming, which allows least customized content consumptions. The multi-screen viewership will soon be trendy, and the audience love to enjoy their video entertainment via any handy devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Digital convergence speeds up the new entrances from other industries. Many local and global companies are eager to build up their own direct engagement with end-customers for the vision of larger market expansion and profits opportunities. The crowded competition results in a more fragment media market and it can hardly achieve the profitable scale. The study is an exploratory research to probe the feasible solution of surviving in the digital revolution. Starting from the analysis of the background and features of the TV media industry in Taiwan, the study will demonstrate the main trends of industry development and illustrate the future ecosystem, in which an innovative business model and a new industrial chain will cultivate. It becomes harder for TV media to maintain the traditional and simple business model of relying on ad revenues and on a single distribution platform. Digital convergence leads to the multi-platforms opportunities and the visionary entrance to the global market, and it also raise the management challenges against the giant rivals with advantages on capital, technologies or market scale. The study suggests that Taiwan TV media shall be positioned as "content providers" in the new ecosystem and improve their core competence of video content production. Aiming to be a "platform operator" might not be an optimal strategy, for the tough requirement of capital and technology. In other words, TV media can make advantages of their production specialty and the full-right libraries to achieve the collaboration with multi-platforms, and to get benefits of reaching the maximum audience. The future media industry will form the competitions among various strategic alliances, in which each partner owns specific capabilities or special resources. As for TV media players in Taiwan, they can contribute the core production specialties and the influence towards local audience, and gain the complementary supports to develop the scope of economy in the domestic market. At the same time, the TV media players can aggressively work with the alliance partner for the global expansion by the force of digital convergence.


郭國泰、司徒達賢、于卓民(2008年11月)。商業生態系統之變遷:以軟體產業為例。創新與管理,No. 6 (1),頁1-28。
郭國泰、司徒達賢、于卓民(2010年5月)。商業生態系統中利基者策略之變遷:以資訊安全軟體公司為例 (1986–2000)。輔仁管理評論,No. 17 (2),頁1-38。
