  • 學位論文


Discussion on Transnational Management Organization of International Business of Securities

指導教授 : 李賢源


我國證券商在台灣經濟起飛成長階段,協助企業上市上櫃並活絡股票交易市場,創造台灣加權指數上萬點並創下單日3000多億成交量,而除了股票市場外也發展債券及證券化商品市場使台灣企業可利用各種工具在資本市場籌資,而券商在這當中扮演相當好的角色,不過隨著經濟衰退企業活動力減弱,資本市場活動力也愈來愈低,證券商的經營愈來愈困難,而國際化及打亞洲盃成為所有證券商共同解決方法。 本研究針對我國證券商轉型從事國際業務時,應該建立何種跨國組織架構比較具管理效率進行可行性研究與個案分析,從中探討各種跨國組織架構管理優缺點,以作為我國證券商經營國際證券業務依據。 根據本研究成果,提出以下幾點結論: 1. 證券商如何解決發展國際證券業務所面臨困難及問題 2. 國內證券商發展國際證券與外資券商業務方向之差異 3. 國際大型證券商經營國際業務的架構及思維 4. 依目前市場發展現況,國內券商發展國際證券主要業務方向 5. 對於國內券商發展國際證券業務組織架構提出合理建議


In Taiwan's economic take-off growth stage, securities firms have helped many enterprises listed on the Taiwan Exchange and OTC market. And at active stock trading market, created Taiwan's weighted index to tens thousands of points and hit a single day more than 300 billion volume, and in addition Securities also develop bonds and securitized product. The market allows Taiwanese companies to use a variety of tools to raise money in the capital markets, and brokers play a very good role in this market, but with the economic downturn business activity weakened, capital market activity is getting lower and lower, the securities business is more and more difficult to get profit from the market. And all securities firms start to create new international business for their customers as a common solution of decline securities business. This paper aims at the feasibility study and case analysis of the multinational organizational structure which should be established?When the securities business is engaged in international business? What is the advantages or disadvantages of various multinational organizational structure management as the securities firm to operate the international securities business? Based on the results of this study, the following conclusions: 1. How to solve the difficulties and problems in the development of international securities business for domestic securities? 2. About international securities business What is the difference between domestic securities firms and foreign securities firms? 3. To operate the international business, what is International large securities their organization structure thinking? 4. According to the current market development status, the domestic securities business development of international securities main business direction. 5. To make reasonable suggestions on the development of international securities business organization structure for domestic securities.


Jeanke、 Ron、 Onno〈2001〉,Industrial Marketing Management p627-636
Goldman Sachs Annual Report〈2015〉
Morgan Stanly Annual Report〈2015〉
