  • 學位論文


The Moderating Effects of Consumer Characteristics on Brand Extension Evaluation

指導教授 : 任立中


「品牌」為企業的無形資產,亦為一項重要的行銷工具。當廠商面臨到市場激烈競爭,往往採取「品牌延伸」的策略,不但可以利用原品牌所具有的高知名度與良好形象,來增加消費者對新產品的接受度,而且可以節省為建立新品牌所需耗費的行銷成本。因此,學者開始探討影響品牌延伸成敗的因素,包括有消費者對原品牌的態度(認知和情感構面)、延伸產品與原品牌的契合度等。 本研究旨在探討消費者的異質性對於品牌延伸評估的干擾作用,探討不同特質的消費者,包括產品知識、涉入程度與自我監控等因素,是否會干擾原品牌態度與契合度對延伸產品的評價,企圖更清楚地解釋消費者評估一項延伸產品,背後真正的影響因素。 研究對象以台大國企系所的學生為主,經由網路進行問卷調查,採用統計套裝軟體SPSS 12.0以進行資料分析及研究假說之驗證。根據本研究之實證,可將結果歸納如下: 一、消費者的原品牌態度將顯著影響其對延伸產品之評價,而消費者的人格特質為干擾變項,會影響延伸產品的評價結果(包括認知及態度構面)。 二、消費者產品知識的高低,會干擾契合度對延伸產品的評價結果,產品知識愈高,契合度的影響變小,產品知識愈低,契合度的影響變大。 三、消費者對延伸產品的評價愈高,則對延伸產品的認知價值愈高。 研究結果顯示消費者本身的異質性會干擾其對延伸產品的評價,研究中亦發現,消費者特質只有在其認知契合度高的情形之下,才具有顯著的干擾作用。因此,廠商在從事品牌延伸策略時,有必要考量本身的品牌形象特性與消費者不同特質所產生的影響。


“Brand” is a firm’s intangible asset and also an important marketing weapon. While firms confront serious competition, they usually adopt brand extension to facilitate entering new markets. Brand extensions provide a way to take advantage of brand name recognition and image which are more familiar with consumers. Moreover, brand extensions can decrease the marketing cost of launching a new brand. Therefore, the past studies found what influence brand extension evaluation, included consumer attitudes, composed of cognitive and affective dimensions, toward parent brand and the perception of fit between the parent brand and the extension category. The purpose of this research was to explore the moderating effects of consumer heterogeneity on extension evaluation. We discussed whether the consumer characteristics including consumer expertise, involvement and self-monitoring could moderate the relative influence of parent attitude on extension attitude or not. We intended to define the real factors influencing consumer evaluation on extension. The objects of the study were the undergraduate and graduate students of NTU. The questionnaires were collected by internet. We used SPSS12.0 to analyze data and examine the hypotheses. According to the study, the results are summarized as follows: 1.The consumer attitudes toward parent brand have significant effects on extension attitude. However, the consumer characteristics have moderate effects on cognitive and attitude structures. 2.The consumer expertise moderates the influence of fit perception on extension attitude. The higher the consumer’s expertise with extension category, the lesser the impact of fit perception on extension attitude. 3.The higher the evaluation of extension, the higher the perceived value. Our research results showed consumer heterogeneity could moderate extension evaluation. We also found it only happened obviously on high perceived fit. Therefore, while brand managers adopt brand extension, they should think over the image of brand and the effects from consumer heterogeneity.


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