  • 學位論文


Fish Investigation and Management Zoning in Maoao Streams, Northeastern Taiwan

指導教授 : 李英周


中文摘要 根據河川續動(river continuum concept; RCC)與魚類分區化(fish zonation)概念,魚類群聚組成會隨著河川棲地水質物化因子縱向梯度的改變,呈現連續變化,並可根據魚種生態特性依序劃分河段,但是棲地降級、不當魚種放流與人為活動等負面干擾,卻往往造成魚類群聚自然分區化現象經常改變。隨著台灣生態保育行動日益蓬勃以及缺水現象漸趨頻繁,越來越多地區以封溪、成立巡守隊等方式投入溪流復育工作。本研究即針對台灣東北部卯澳地區內兩條主要溪流榕樹溪與坑內溪,依上、中、下游環境連續變化之特性,分別將榕樹溪與較長的坑內溪區分為三個河段與四個河段,並在每個河段當中選取潭、瀨兩種類型的微棲地各一個測站,合計共14個測站,按月以電魚法、蝦籠法及蘇伯氏法進行魚類與水棲昆蟲的採樣,並以穿越線法隨機選取三條穿越線,測量各測站棲地水質物化因子,在考量各溪段間差異、氣候季節變化和人為干擾的影響後,研擬提出將來該地區推展河川魚類復育與分區管理規劃工作之參考依據,結果如下: 2003年7月至2004年6月期間,一共捕獲13魚種。兩條溪流中上游溪段皆以台灣馬口魚為優勢魚種,榕樹溪下游溪段以台灣馬口魚與粗首?為主,而坑內溪下游則以粗首?為優勢魚種。變方分析顯示生物群聚因子與棲地水質物化因子在不同溪段間、季節間與乾溼季間均有顯著差異,其中總磷、水溫、溶氧、導電度,罩賓袘P魚類多樣性指數,可做為本地區溪流長期監測之重要參考指標。整體來說,卯澳地區溪流全域大致可以濱海公路為界,劃分為中上游的台灣馬口魚區及下游粗首?區。中上游溪段魚類多樣性低,以泳力較強的台灣馬口魚為主,呈現較自然原始風貌的溪流生態環境。下游溪段渠道化與人為干擾嚴重,以耐污性較高的粗首?佔優勢。此外,建議卯澳地區未來在從事溪流魚類復育工作時,宜採分區管理模式,將中上游河段設為保護區,禁止任何開發利用;中游設為緩衝區,減少人為活動直接衝擊;下游設為復育區,加強魚類復育宣導工作。 關鍵詞:河川續動、魚類分區、魚類群聚、封溪、台灣東北部、監測指標、分區管理規劃。


英文摘要 According to river continuum concept and fish zonation, fish assemblage display longitudinal gradient with limnological variables along the river continua. The entire river can be sectioned into zones by characteristic fish species which are vulnerable to habitat degradations, improper translocations, and anthropogentic disturbances. In Taiwan, along with arising conservation actions and frequent drought, many communities protect their streams by blockade and patrolmen. The study focus on two streams in Maoaw community, northeastern Taiwan, which were zoned on the basis of pool and riffle sequence. Fishes and macroinvertebrates are examined monthly by electrofishing, shrimp cages, and Surber's method. Limnological measures were taken at 3 random transect lines in each sampling site. Considering segmental variation, climate, and anthropogenic disturbances, We attempt to propose a consultation for future fish restoration and zonation project. From July 2003 to June 2004, 13 fish species were sampled. The mid-upper-stream was dominated by Candidia barbata, and Zacco pachycephalus occupied the down-stream. Analysis of variance showed segmental and seasonal variation of limnological variables in which PO43--P, water temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, riparian cover, and fish Shannon index are appropriate indicators for long-term monitoring of this region. As a whole, the Maoaw community can be separated into lake candidus dace zone and freshwater minnow zone by Seaside-Road. The med-upper-stream had low fish diversity and a more natural habitat. On the contrary, the down-stream is heavily channeled and suffered anthropogenic disturbances. Besides, We advise the Maoaw community to use a mode of management zoning in fish restoration, setting the mid-upper-stream as nuclear protection-zone, the mid-stream as buffer-zone, and the down-stream as exemplary restoration-zone. Key words: River continuum concept, Fish zonation, Fish assemblage, Blockade, Northeastern Taiwan, Indicator, Management zoning.


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