  • 學位論文


The Strategy of Extension Education for World Heritage

指導教授 : 王鑫


近年來,台灣掀起了一股世界遺產的風潮,政府部門接受民間團體的建議,將申報世界遺產當作重要的議題,並在2002年,由文建會邀請學者,共同為台灣評選出12個世界遺產潛力點,希望能加速帶動全國人民深植世界遺產保育的概念,而這有賴於教育的推廣。「世界遺產教育」是個嶄新的課題,因為「世界遺產」包括「文化遺產」和「自然遺產」,這本身就是一門新的跨學科的知識體系,其課程設置、學科及學術資源整合、教材編寫、教師知識結構的轉型、教學方法、教學目的等等都還處於探索之中。 本研究從七個面向:世界遺產推廣教育之宗旨及目標、推廣組織、推廣對象、教學內容、教學方法與管道、實施之時間與場所分別做探討,特別就推廣教育的對象,採權益關係人分析,並依照其影響力和重要性分群,依照每一個分群的特性,擬定世界遺產推廣教育之策略,透過這樣的方式可以獲得較佳的推廣教育成效。 本研究採問卷調查法、文獻回顧法、內容分析法,希望能就這七個面向做一深入的探討。透過問卷找出當地的權益關係人及其基本屬性資料,透過內容分析法找出推廣教育的內容及趨勢。 本研究基本上是透過分析處理現有的文獻、資料,提出一個初步的教育推廣策略,但是對於更深入的教育推廣計畫還需要更進一步的研究。希望透過這樣的開始,讓我們國家世界遺產的概念能夠往下栽根,進而喚起人民對於地方遺產、國家遺產保育的態度,進而真正瞭解、珍惜遺產並付諸持續保育的行動。


Recent years in Taiwan it started to blow a wind of World Heritage. The government accepted some NGO's proposal, making entering the World Heritage an important issue, and in 2002 the Council for Cultural Affairs Executive Yuan will invite scholars to pick out 12 Potential World Heritage Sites in Taiwan, in order to deeply plant the concept of conserving World Heritage in the mind of the Taiwanese people. "World Heritage Education" is a brand new issue, for "World Heritage" includes "culture heritage" and "natural heritage," which in itself is a new system of knowledge. It's curriculum, subjects and academic resources, editing of textbooks, the teacher's structure transformation of knowledge, method of teaching, aims of education, are still in a stage of expedition. There are seven aspects of this research, each of which will be discussed distinctly: The aim, the organization, the object of promotion, the content of education, the method of education, the paths to education, and the workable time and location of the Extension Education for World Heritage. Stakeholder analysis shall particularly be used in analysing the object of extension education, while they are classified into different groups according to their importance and influence. To achieve better success in Extension Education for World Heritage, policies shall be modified according to the characteristics of each group. Questionnaire survey, documentary historical method, and content analysis are used in this research. Using questionnaire survey to find the local stakeholder and information of the person; with content analysis finding out the content and trend of extension education. This research proposes a elementary method of promoting extension education, yet for a more advanced plan or method more research is required. From this beginning, let us root the concept of World Heritage into our minds, arouse the people's right attitude towards conserving local and national heritage, and further make them truly understand and cherish the heritage, in the end continuing contributing to the conservation of heritages.


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http://www.taroko.gov.tw [2004, December 1]


