  • 學位論文


Effects of Storage Duration, Temperature, Ethylene and 1-MCP on Poststorage Growth and Photosystem Ⅱ of Araceae Foliage Plants

指導教授 : 葉德銘


本試驗針對儲運天數、溫度、乙烯及1-MCP對天南星科觀葉植物儲後生長及第二光合作用系統之影響來探討。以儲運後發生之黃化、壞疽葉片數或品質分級判斷各觀葉植物之儲運上限。粗肋草‘愛玉’與火鶴‘粉冠軍’以15或20℃皆可儲運14天,黛粉葉‘天堂’與白鶴芋‘Calypso’以15℃可儲運14天,金錢樹以16、23或30℃可儲運14天,而黑葉觀音蓮以16℃可儲運14天。粗肋草‘白馬’、黛粉葉‘寶玉’與白鶴芋‘綠巨人’以16或23℃儲運可儲運7天,粗肋草‘巴黎美人’以15或20℃儲運可儲運7天,黛粉葉‘瑪莉安’以16℃儲運亦可儲運7天。粗肋草‘箭羽’以16、23或29℃儲運14天,黛粉葉‘多芽夏雪’以16℃儲運7或14天,蔓綠絨‘綠帝王’以16或23℃儲運7或14天,各處理儲後品質不佳,皆未具販售價值。   儲運時,不同品種粗肋草及黛粉葉對乙烯之反應不同。儲運後,以4.5 μL•L-1乙烯燻蒸之粗肋草‘白馬’最低葉片葉綠素螢光值及葉綠素計讀值顯著降低,黃化及掉落葉片數顯著較未燻蒸乙烯者高,且分級品質較差。而4.5 μL•L-1乙烯燻蒸對粗肋草‘愛玉’最低葉片葉綠素螢光值、葉綠素計讀值、黃化葉片數及分級品質皆無影響。儲運後,4.7 μL•L-1乙烯處理使黛粉葉‘寶玉’及‘瑪莉安’最低葉片葉綠素螢光值下降,黃化和壞疽葉片數增加,品質分級下降,而‘寶玉’最低葉片葉綠素螢光值下降較‘瑪莉安’嚴重。儲運時有無燻蒸乙烯皆使多芽夏雪黛粉葉最低節位葉片葉綠素螢光值下降,黃化及掉落葉片數增加,品質分級下降。   乙烯濃度愈高,造成粗肋草‘白馬’葉片黃化數愈多且分級品質愈差,0.8 μL•L-1乙烯燻蒸即造成粗肋草‘白馬’葉綠素計讀值、Fv/Fm值及光子產量降低,而4.1 μL•L-1乙烯使傷害更嚴重。乙烯濃度愈高,黛粉葉‘寶玉’、‘瑪莉安’及蔓綠絨‘綠帝王’之黃化葉片數及落葉數愈多且分級品質愈差,儲運期間1 μL•L-1乙烯對黛粉葉‘寶玉’之Fv/Fm值及光子產量無影響,但2.3 μL•L-1乙烯造成其二值降至最低。儲運期間0.7 μL•L-1乙烯即造成黛粉葉‘瑪莉安’葉綠素計讀值、Fv/Fm值及光子產量降低,而4.6 μL•L-1乙烯燻蒸造成之傷害最嚴重。0.6 μL•L-1乙烯使蔓綠絨‘綠帝王’ Fv/Fm值及光子產量降低,而3.9 μL•L-1乙烯會使傷害更嚴重。   儲運前燻蒸1-MCP可減少黃化葉片數、增加品質分級及減輕最低葉片之葉綠素螢光值及葉綠素計讀值降低程度,改善儲運期間乙烯造成天南星科觀葉植物中對乙烯敏感者之危害。粗肋草‘白馬’之1-MCP有效濃度及適當燻蒸時間為以300 nL•L-11-MCP 燻蒸6小時;黛粉葉‘寶玉’及‘瑪莉安’為以600 nL•L-11-MCP燻蒸 6小時;蔓綠絨‘綠帝王’ 為以600 nL•L-1燻蒸1-MCP 2小時。


The potted foliage plants of Taiwan have potential to transport to international markets. However, the storage environments may cause stress, and decrease poststorage quality. Thus the objectives of this thesis were to study the effects of storage duration, temperature, ethylene and 1-MCP on poststorage growth and photosystemⅡ in Araceae potted foliage plants.   According to acceptable postproduction quality based on the numbers of chlorotic, necrotic leaves and/or rating, Aglaonema ‘Chalit’s Fantasy’ and Anthurium scherzerianum Lind. ‘Pink Champion’ could be stored at 15 or 20℃ for 14 days, Dieffenbachia ‘Mars’ and Spathiphyllum kochii L. ‘Calypso’could be stored at 15℃ for 14 days, Zamioculcas zamiifolia could be stored at 16, 23 or 30℃ for 14 days, Alocasia amazonica could be stored at 16℃ for 14 days, Aglaonema commutatum Schott. ‘White Tip’, D. picta (Lodd.) Schott. ‘Vesuvius’ and S. kochii L. ‘Sensation’ could be stored at 16 or 23℃ for 7 days, Aglaonema ‘Pattaya Beauty’ could be stored at 15 or 20℃ for 7 days, and D.(Jacq.) Schott ‘Tropic Marianne’ could be stored at 16℃ for 7 days. Aglaonema nitidum (Jacq.) Kunth ‘Curtisii’ stored at 16, 23 or 30℃ for 14 days, D. seguine Nichols ‘Tropic Snow’ stored at 16℃ for 7 or 14 days, and Philodendron ‘Imperial Green’ stored at 16 or 23℃ for 7 or 14 days had poor poststorage quality and were unsalable.   Ethylene may decrease poststorage quality in foliage plants that are sensitive to ethylene. Exposure to 4.5 μL•L-1 ethylene during storage for 5 or 7 days decreased SPAD-502 value and Fv/Fm of the lowest leaves and rating, and increased chlorotic leaves in Aglaonema commutatum Schott. ‘White Tip’. In contrast, exposure to 4.5 μL•L-1 ethylene did not alter on SPAD-502 value and Fv/Fm of the lowest leaves, chlorotic leaves and rating in Aglaonema ‘Chalit’s Fantasy’. Exposure to 4.7 μL•L-1 ethylene during storage for 7 days decreased Fv/Fm of the lowest leaves and quality, and increased numbers of chlorotic and necrotic leaves in Diffenbachia ‘Vesuvius’ and ‘Tropic Marianne’. More decrease of poststorage Fv/Fm of the lowest leaves wae measured in D. picta (Lodd.) Schott. ‘Vesuvius’ than D. (Jacq.) Schott ‘Tropic Marianne’. Regardless of ethylene or not, D. seguine Nichols ‘Tropic Snow’ exhibited decreased Fv/Fm of the lowest leaves, and increased chlorotic and necrotic leaves, and poor postproduction.   Exposure to 0.8 μL•L-1 ethylene during storage decreased SPAD-502 value, Fv/Fm and quantum yield of the lowest leaves in Aglaonema ‘White tip’. Exposure to 4.1 μL•L-1 ethylene caused damage more seriously. Exposure to 1.0 μL•L-1 ethylene during storage did not effect Fv/Fm and quantum yield of the lowest leaves in Diffenbachia ‘Vesuvius’, but exposure to 2.3 μL•L-1 ethylene during storage increased number of chlorotic leaves and decreased rating. Exposure to 0.7 μL•L-1 ethylene during storage decreased SPAD-502 value, Fv/Fm and quantum yield of the lowest leaves in Diffenbachia ‘Tropic Marianne’, and exposure to 4.1 μL•L-1 ethylene caused more damage. Exposure to 0.6 μL•L-1 ethylene during storage decreased SPAD-502 value, Fv/Fm and quantum yield of the lowest leaves in P. ‘Imperial Green’, and exposure to 3.9 μL•L-1 ethylene results in more damage.   Differential efficient concentration and adaptable treatment time of 1-MCP were determined in various species or cultivars. To prevent the damage of ethylene, A. commutatum Schott. ‘White Tip’ could be treated with 300 nL•L-1 1-MCP for 6 hours, D. picta (Lodd.) Schott. ‘Vesuvius’ and D.(Jacq.) Schott ‘Tropic Marianne’ with 600 nL•L-1 1-MCP for 6 hours, and P. ‘Imperial Green’ with 600 nL•L-11-MCP for 2 hours. After 1-MCP treatments, Araceae foliage plants which are sensitive to ethylene had fewer chlorotic leaves, higher rating, Fv/Fm and SPAD-502 value of the lowest leaves.


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