  • 學位論文


Construction and Transformation of Taiwan Campus Folk Songs’ Culture

指導教授 : 洪淑苓


在臺灣七○年代「反思」的文化特色刺激之下,文化活動幾乎是被迫或自願轉型。而「校園民歌」就是在這文化轉變前的準備階段生成,它除了標誌著時代精神之外,也呈現出大專青年建構文化自主權與民族意識的結果。本文透過校園民歌的社會背景、創作來源和路徑、主體建構和特質到校園民歌的精神承繼與轉化,去探討「校園民歌」從青年高喊「唱自己的歌」開始,到校園民歌蔚為一股風潮,而後沉潛、再生的過程。經由社會背景、校園民歌的歌詞和校園民歌相關文學作品的探討,觀察七○年代的校園民歌如何在喧鬧聲的國族�民族觀和文學�文化觀之間回應時代複雜的觀念,並在國族�民族觀與文學�文化展開對話。 本論文在前人研究的基礎上,加以拓展、延伸校園民歌的論述,建構臺灣校園民歌文化與其轉化面貌。在論文章節安排如下:第一章「緒論」共分「研究動機與目的」、「研究範疇與文獻回顧」和「觀察視角和章節安排」三節,闡明本論文的論述基點。第二章「校園民歌興起的社會背景」探討社會背景對校園民歌的影響,先對七○年代的校園環境作一概述性的介紹,掌握時代轉變前的氛圍,也從中觀察時代的轉折對校園青年和臺灣文壇的影響,進而從時代環境、通俗文化和文學藝術等方面,觀察校園民歌的啟蒙來源。第三章「校園民歌的創作來源與路徑」主要討論校園民歌所承繼的創作觀與校園民歌發展出的創作特色,爬梳臺灣校園民歌在何種文化機緣下,創作出代表時代的文化現象。文中也歸納出校園民歌萌芽期發展出的兩條主要創作路線:文藝民歌與本鄉民歌。第四章「校園民歌的主體建構與特質」則進入作品裡去探討校園民歌的主體性為何,本章節針對校園民歌的歌詞文本作一分析,勾勒其書寫的內涵,並從校園的鄉愁、青春的愛情和校園的體驗等三部分,去觀察校園民歌所塑造的共同體與其代表之意涵。第五章「校園民歌精神的承繼與轉化」,則探討以校園民歌為創作題材的文學作品為主,觀察在校園民歌風潮結束之後,參與在校園民歌洪流裡的人物,如何轉換其對校園民歌的形象與意義,又怎樣在文學創作裡,繼續延伸七○年代象徵著青春世代的文化思考與理想。而這些與校園民歌相關的文學作品為我們指出一個現象,亦即藉由校園民歌的興起,臺灣青年一步一步地建構起集體的民族意識,當此一階段性、理想性的目標完成之後,創作的自主性遂跳脫而出,民族意識不再是無限上綱,議題、風格的多元受到更多的鼓舞,也為八○年代繁華的臺灣文學奠定基礎。最後,第六章「結論」總結全文重點,並指出後續研究的可能。


During the 1970s in Taiwan, self-examination was the cultural important direction. All kinds of cultural activities were forced to change or found their new ways of theirs own free will. “The campus folk song” was occurred in this period, it not only represents the spirit in 1970s, but expresses how college youths to establish the independent of culture and the national consciousness. The essay through the campus folk song’s social background, compositional origins and ways, center structure and characters, inherits and transforms of spiritual to discuss the process of the campus folk song’s rise, decline, and revive. In the other hand, the essay also through the lyrics and text of campus folk song’s to observe campus folk song’s how to communicate with complex society, the national consciousness, literature, and culture. The essay based on the previous researches, and then expanded and extended this topic. Hope to construct the culture and transformation of Taiwan’s campus folk song. The content of the essay are as follows: Chapter1 “Introduction” explains the views and points of the essay. Chapter2 “The background of the appearance of the campus folk song”, discusses the influence and enlightenment of social culture on the campus folk song. Chapter3 “The composition origin and way of the campus folk song”, discusses the context of the campus folk song and analyzes the way it shows. Chapter4 ” The structure and character of the essence in the campus folk song”, discusses the lyrics of the campus folk song and finds its meanings from the homesickness, the love, and the campus. Chapter5 “The inheritance and transformation of the spirit of the campus folk song”, discusses the literatures that depended on the campus folk song, observes the changes of the campus folk song. Besides, points how the campus folk song revives and becomes the Taiwan culture’s property. Finally, Chapter6 “Conclusion”, unites every chapter and point out the development of this topic.


David Hajdu,”Positively 4th street : the lives and times of Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Mimi Baez Fariña, and Richard Fariña”(New York:Farrar, Straus and Giroux),2001。


張簡士湋(2011)。臺灣流行音樂人的創作面向與內在意蘊 —以羅大佑、陳昇、陳明章為討論對象〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.10028
