  • 學位論文


Studies on Photoionization Processes of the B+ ion

指導教授 : 黃克寧


本研究是探討硼離子在第二和第三兩游離閾之間的光游離過程,其光子能量範圍為25.16至31.15電子伏特。理論上用「多組態相對論性混相近理論(Multiconfiguration Relativistic Random-Phase Approximation, MCRRPA )」來計算硼離子的雙激發共振態的光游離散射截面積,及光電子角分佈與極化參數。 在此光子能量範圍裡,光電子譜呈現「五個雷德堡系列」的自游離共振結構。將詳細探討這些共振附近角分佈和極化參數的變化,以及其與共振位置與共振寬度的關係,並且提供將來實驗探討的面向。


We have investigated photoionization of ground state of Be-like, B+, ions the photon energy range 25.16 to 31.15 eV. Calculation of cross section for double-excitation auto ionization resonances of beryllium-like B+ ion using the multiconfiguration relativistic random-phase approximation ( MCRRPA ) are performed. Precise energies and widths of all five Rydberg series of doubly-excited states are given in the photon-energy region between second and third ionization and Experimental works and excellent agreement is also shown.


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