  • 學位論文


The Politico-Economic Competition between the United States and China in India: 1990s-2008

指導教授 : 李碧涵


本論文旨在探討後冷戰時期(1990s-2008)美國與中國在印度之政治經濟競逐。由於冷戰結束後,國際體系權力重組,從單極逐漸走向多極體系,美國獨霸地位轉變;歐盟體制漸趨完備;中國崛起而成為亞洲霸主的呼聲越來越高;再加上身為金磚四國之一的印度,經濟成長快速,裝上翅膀的大象正穩重步伐前進;以及包括911事件發生等種種國際背景的影響下,美國與中國身為世界霸權及區域強國的身份使然而不得不各自展開新形態的對外關係,而印度即為美、中兩國在後冷戰時期彼此交鋒的一大重點。其中,本論文以911事件作為研究後冷戰時期美、中在印度政治經濟競逐關係的一項時間分水嶺,分別探討美國與中國在911事件前後對印度的政治與經濟之競逐情況。 從本論文的探討中可以得出,特別是在911事件後,美國加速拉攏印度的思緒著重在鞏固其世界霸權的地位,故運用印度的「反恐合作」及「圍堵中國」的功能以行拉攏,然而由於印度的崛起,擁有經濟大國的實力,故美國事實上更期望能從印度獲得更多的「實質經濟利益」並改善貿易逆差;而在中國方面,911事件後,中國加速拉攏印度的思緒著重在反制美國藉反恐戰爭的全球戰略佈局及圍堵中國的意圖,故運用與印度的經貿合作來來追求互利雙贏的「實質經濟利益」,以「擴展中國在南亞甚至是亞洲的政治權力」。 另一方面,印度面對美國在911事件後的加速拉攏,除了更加著重其外交及安全戰略的自主性外,仍會與美國在某種程度上進行合作與配合,因為與美國交好可幫助印度「強化經濟崛起」並「提升大國地位」;而印度面對中國在911事件後的加速拉攏,除了持續與中國進行高層互訪以避免和中國進行軍事對抗外,更願意擴大印中經貿關係以利其經濟建設,且雖對中國貿易逆差,但廣大的經貿潛力尚未開發,故在期望與中國和平交往下,期能「激發經貿潛力」並「帶動其他面向的合作」。 最後,除了得出美印雙方及中印雙方政經關係的主要特色外,並推論出美國與中國在印度政經競逐的過程與結果中,由於美國能提供印度較多的幫助,故相較於中國,美國理所當然佔據印度較重要的優勢地位。然而從印度與美、中兩國的發展來看,因為印度並未挑明選擇任何一方,而是兩面交好,故印度可從美、中兩國得到最大的利益。


The aim of this thesis is to discuss the politico-economic competition between the United States and China in India in the post Cold War era (1990s-2008). Because the Cold War ended, the power of international system reorganized to be a multi-polar system, and the hegemony of the United States started change; the system of the EU was gradually enlarged; China rose and might be the Asian overlord; one of the BRICs India’s economic growth was fast; as well as under the impacts of the 911 events of 2001 and all sorts of international backgrounds, the United States and China, respectively as the identity of world hegemony and the regional power, had to launch the new foreign relationships, in which India became their focus of politico-economic competition in Asia. This thesis uses the 911 events as a time watershed to discuss the politico-economic competition between the United States and China in India between 1990s to 2008. From the discussion of this thesis, we know, especially after the 911 events, the United States drew India together tightly to gain her stronger hegemonic position in the world. The United States used anti-terrorism and the policy of containing China to enhance her cooperation with India. Nevertheless the rise of India, makes she own bigger economic power, that makes the United States expect to get more “substantial economic benefits” and also improve her trade deficits with India. But in the aspect of China, after the 911 events, China wanted to draw India together as against the United States’ by intention of anti-terrorism and containing China. China uses the strategy of economic and trade with India to pursue her “substantial economic benefits”, and to "expand China’s political power in the South Asia and Asia". On the other hand, India faced the acceleration of the United States’ drawing together after the 911 events, in addition to more emphasizing her autonomy of diplomacy and security, still carried on the cooperation and concert with the United States, because on good terms with the United States could help India "enhance economic rising" and also "promote the great power status". While India faced China, in addition to carrying on mutual inter-visits with China to avoid military resistances, India would like to extend economic and trade relationship with China, even though having a trade deficit with China. Therefore, India still wanted to associate with China peacefully, and “to given her large but undeveloped economic and trade potentiality” and “to promote more cooperation with China”. Finally, besides the above-mentioned, U.S.-India and China-India’s features of politico-economic relations, we find out that in the process of the United States and China’s competition in India, the United States did provide India more help than China did, therefore, the United States did occupied India in a more advantage’s position than China did. However, viewing from the development of India with the United States and China, India didn’t choose anyone of them but make good friends with both sides. So India got the biggest benefits from the United States and China.


