  • 學位論文


Investigation and application of green material in high-tech factory

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


高科技產業是台灣的經濟命脈,對於以出口為導向的台灣經濟來說扮演著舉足輕重之角色,而綠建築之環保概念已成為世界潮流,生態永續亦是世界公民的普世價值,這意謂著高科技產業投入大量資金及使用先端技術生產的同時,對於生態環境的改變以及資源的耗費亦逐漸受到重視。然而目前國內僅有公有建築有綠建築標章之法規限制,也僅規定綠建材使用率達總裝修面積百分之五以上即可,故本研究以綠建材在高科技廠房之應用為主題,建立分析可行之綠建材清單,以期廠房於興建設計時能參考使用。 本研究首先以專家訪談及個案分析之方式,針對台灣高科技廠房建材使用現況進行調查,再利用此調查結果於台灣綠建材標章以及環保標章之查詢網站蒐集相關資料,接著訪問材料、施工廠商了解詳細建材資訊,彙整出適用於高科技廠房之綠建材清單並進行比較分析。本研究主要成果為調查高科技廠房建材使用現況,發現Office 部分與一般商用辦公室無太大差異,FAB 部分所使用之建材相當精簡,此外本研究彙整出一份適用於高科技廠房之綠建材清單,其中包含51家廠商、78 項建材可供高科技產業界以及廠房設計建築師參考使用,且經比較分析後發現清單內大部分之建材並無因取得綠建材相關認證而提高價格之情形。


綠建材 綠建築 高科技廠房


High-tech industry is the economic lifeline of Taiwan, it play a pivotal role for the export-oriented economy of Taiwan. The concept of green building has become a global trend of environmental protection, ecological sustainability is also a citizen of the world of universal values, it means a lot of money into high-tech industries and the use of tip technology, while changes in the ecological environment as well as the cost of resources is becoming more and more attention. At present, only public building faces the green building’s laws and regulations restricting, but also provides green building materials only the total usage of decoration can be an area of more than five per cent. Therefore, the main idea of this study is the application of the green building materials for high-tech factory, the establishment of a viable analysis of the list of green building materials and look forward to the construction of the design of factory can use and reference. First of all, this study uses expert interview and case study approach to investigate the use of Taiwan's high-tech factories of the status of building materials, and then uses the results of this survey to collect relevant information on the inquiry website of Taiwan Green Building-Material Mark and Environmental Mark, finally this study visits the materials and construction manufacturer for more information to establish a green building materials list for high-tech factory. The main results of this study found that there is no significant difference between Office building of high-tech factory and general commercial office, and use of the building materials of FAB is quite simple. In addition this study establishes a green building materials list for high-tech factory, which includes 51 companies, 78 building materials, and then after a comparative analysis of the building materials found that most did not raise prices because of the relevant certification


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