  • 學位論文


Influences of Boundary and Particle Shapes on the Electrophoretic Behavior of a Soft Particle

指導教授 : 徐治平


本論文主要在討論改變邊界及粒子形狀,對軟性粒子的電泳行為所造成的影 響。近來軟性粒子的假設已被用於模擬各種生物粒子的行為,並且能夠合理解釋生物化學、醫學各種領域。能描述真實情況的理論模型在解析解或是數值解的研究中,是不可或缺的一環,藉由模型的建立,才能透徹描述許多實驗中的特殊現象,如膠體科學中非常重要的兩個電動力學現象---電泳和電滲透效應。為了使模擬環境更接近現實,本論文所採用的條件為軟性粒子模型,此設定旨在符合現實中的許多膠體粒子的材質,並考慮粒子形狀、粒子所帶電荷、軟膜性質、邊界效應、電雙層極化、電滲透流等因素對粒子於電解質溶液中泳動,所造成的改變。本論文不僅對許多實驗中發現的特殊現象提出合理的解釋,更能預測未來研究時可能發生之現象,提供實驗研究學者實驗設計、解釋,及參數設定之方向。


In this study, electrophoresis of a soft particle is the fundamental thesis, and effects come from the variation of the boundary and particle shape are mainly focused. In recent years, the assumption of a soft particle has been studied in simulation of a bio-particle. Based on this assumption, a variety of phenomena has been easily translated, so it is adopted in many fields such as biochemistry and medical science. For analytical or even numerical approach in electrokinetic phenomena, a model which can correctly describe the behavior is desirable and necessary. In order to simulate a case closed to reality, a soft particle is assumed to fit the nature of a colloidal particle. The effects of the particle shape, charges on the particle, the nature of the membrane,the boundary, the double layer polarization (DLP), and the electroosmotic flow are investigated. This research not only provides reasonable explanations behind special observation in real experiments but possibly predicts extraordinary phenomena in future studies.


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