  • 學位論文


A Study on the Feasibility of Commercialized SPF Farm in Taiwan

指導教授 : 雷立芬


台灣的養豬產業有許多需要解決的問題,包括1.如何調整產業結構以提升競爭力2.減少因豬隻疾病而引起的經濟損失3.生產並供應衛生安全的豬肉4.養豬產業造成的環境污染。基於以上的需求,台灣在1997年口蹄疫發生前,農政單位即執行SPF(specific pathogen free)無特定病原豬場計畫,目的就是要提升產業競爭力、控制豬隻常見或特定疾病、減少藥物使用,解決豬肉藥物殘留的情況。早期輔導民間五場、官方一場,共六場SPF豬場。但1997年口蹄疫發生之後,台灣僅剩一場商業化SPF豬場,而且台灣一般大眾對SPF的定義亦多為陌生,民間的商業化SPF豬場至今在台灣並不普及。 本研究藉由文獻回顧,了解何謂無特定病原、SPF豬的歷史起源、特色及效益,並整理美國、丹麥、日本與中國之SPF豬的發展過程與現況,以對照台灣的SPF養豬產業的發展現況。透過深入訪談專家學者及養戶,進一步了解台灣SPF豬發展過程所遇到的困難與問題。依據以上所蒐集資料,再以可行性分析法透過經濟面、市場面及環境面的分析,以2011年五月至2012年第一季黃玉鴻統計出台灣傳統養豬戶的平均生產成本與同時期的蓮貞牧場之飼料與藥物成本做對照,分析兩種不同的生產管理方式產生之飼料與藥物成本差異,以求瞭解生產商業化SPF豬的經濟效益,比較並分析SPF豬場與傳統豬場經濟效益及財務的投資可行性;研究發現SPF豬場縱使以小規模經營,其投資效益相較於同規模甚至其兩倍規模之大型豬場都還具有投資效益,台灣推廣SPF豬場對於養豬產業不但能提升生產競爭力又能減少環境污染,投資生產SPF豬對生產者有市場利基,選購SPF豬肉對消費者而言亦有滿足部分消費者對無藥物殘留疑慮的特殊產品需求。從財務、環境、市場三方面來看,台灣推廣商業化SPF豬場是具有可行性及經營效益的。


Pig farming in Taiwan has several major issues to be covered, (1)How to adjust the industrial structure and enhance competitiveness? (2)How to reduce the economic losses caused by pigs diseases (3)How to product and supply the health and safety pork(4) How to solve the environmental problems caused by pig farming. Based on those requirement, before the FMD ccurrence in Taiwan in 1997, agricultural agencies had have implemented specific pathogen-free (SPF) farm plan, in order to enhance industrial competitiveness, control pigs common or specific disease, reducing drug use, and solve the drug residues in pork. They counseled five private pig farms and established one official pig farms, a total of six SPF pig farms. However, after FMD occurred in 1997, only one private SPF pig farm left. Because the general public in Taiwan are unfamiliar with the definition of the SPF, private SPF pig farm are not popular an wellknow in public. According to the gathered information above and the further study, this paper provides a feasibility analysis through the economic、market and the environment side. Based on the average production cost of production in Taiwan's traditional pig farms in 2012first quarter provided by Yu-Hung Huang and the data from LIEN-CHEN ranch in 2011, this paper provides the understanding of economic benefits of producing industrial SPF pigs and analysis of the financial viability of the SPF pig farms and traditional pig farms. In conclusion, SPF has investment benefits. The promotion of SPF pig farms can enhance the competitiveness of production and reduce the environmental pollution. Investment in producing SPF pigs has market niche for producers. For consumers who concern no drug residues, SPF pork can meet their demand.


pigs swine SPF specific pathogen free feasibility analysis


