  • 學位論文


Develop New Investment Model for Taiwan Film Industry

指導教授 : 曹承礎


本研究首先探討台灣電影產業所面臨到的種種困境。特別是基於電影產業高風險的因素, 往往在募資的時候, 無法受到專業金融機構的青睞。回顧過去文獻, 我們可以找出國片票房要好所需具備的條件, 不過同時也發現在融資方面所面臨的窘境。要解決此問題, 本研究便從美國和韓國市場取經, 找出可供參考的商業模式。以美國市場為例, 獨立製片公司獅門娛樂便是值得參考的案例。透過多元化的融資, 募資管道, 加上低成本的分散投資, 獅門娛樂成功地成長為北美最大獨立製片公司。 看完了其他國家的經驗以後, 本研究提出一項計畫, 建立國片基金制度, 透過一次投資五部電影的方式, 有效降低失敗風險和提高收益率, 吸引專業投資人參與。另外, 也成立製片公司, 承攬這五部電影的製作階段, 達到培育台灣電影產業邁向專業製片公司導向的制度。 本研究最後便以過去國票在台和海外的票房, 成本, 經過調整後套入國片基金投資模式, 證實在特定條件下能有效降低風險, 提高風險調整後的收益率。


This paper discusses the difficulties that Taiwan film industry is currently facing in terms of not able to connect to financial capitals due to the high risk nature of the industry. First this paper reviews past thesis that analyze the key factors that will affect box office especially in the Taiwan market, as well as studies on the difficulties faced. Then this paper looks for solution from other country’s film industry. A great example of independent production house from the U.S. provides ways to attract investors. After looking through past studies and experiences from other global market, a solution is then proposed: creating a film fund which can attract professional investors, and assemble Taiwanese film workers to form a production house that will handle all the movies invested by the film fund. Past data on box office and budget is gathered and organized to be inputted into a financial model in order to see if risk adjusted return can be increase while in the meantime volatility can be reduced.


Taiwan Movie Industry Investment Film Fund


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