  • 學位論文


Control of an Intelligent Robot via Embedded Systems

指導教授 : 王富正


本論文的主要目的在於建立一套類似人類觸覺的感測系統,將其裝置在寵物機器玩偶內,使其能做出適當且溫和的反應動作來和人類溝通互動。 觸覺接收部分,採用了電阻式壓力感測單元以及數位式溫度晶片所構成的陣列,每一個感測器陣列分別利用單晶片、多工器及ADC組成的電路進行掃描及訊號轉換,整隻機器玩偶上鋪蓋了多個感測器陣列。至於反應動作部份,則在機器玩偶上裝設了伺服馬達、發聲裝置和LED。 為使整套系統具有可攜性與可擴充性,以及低成本、低功率消耗、可靠度、即時性等優點,我們採用ARM9 (S3C2410 MCU) 為處理核心的硬體,並建立Windows CE.NET 5.0做為此嵌入式系統的作業平台。我們使用Embedded Visual C++ ( EVC )進行應用程式的設計,透過串列傳輸介面連接感測設備,收集觸覺資訊並且及時做出行為判斷,再透過GPIO控制動作輸出介面,達到互動的目的。


This paper utilized sensing system of artificial skin on an intelligent robot, which can react properly to the environmental changes and communicate tamely with humans. Both pressure sensors and temperature sensing chips were applied to receive tactile information. Each sensor array consisted of a single chip, multiplexers and ADC, in order to scan and convert the signals to the operating systems. The robot was covered by several sensor arrays, and implemented with seven servomotors, a voice control circuit and a LED control circuit to demonstrate interactive responses. In order to achieve portability, expansibility, low cost, low power consumption, reliability, and real-time operation, we utilized embedded systems to perform signal detection and reaction control of the robot. We selected ARM9 (S3C2410 MCU) as the kernel processor, and used Windows CE.NET 5.0 to built the operating platform. Application programs were designed by Embedded Visual C++ (EVC) to communicate with the sensing devices by RS232, and to control the output interface via the general purpose input/output (GPIO) interactively.


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