  • 學位論文


Social Values Evaluation of Satoyama and Satoumi Landscape: the Case of Fangliao, Pingtung

指導教授 : 彭立沛




Japan's Satoyama Initiative advocates sustainable use and management of natural resources, with the core goal of harmonious coexistence between people and nature for the present and future well-being of people. Taiwan has recently registered 21 cases in the IPSI, which is quite abundant. This study utilizes a quantitative approach to assess social value of cultural services in ecosystem services. By examining Fangliao Township, this study collects data through questionnaires and adopts the SolVES model to analyze 7 social values and their spatial distribution, and then compares the differences in social values between mountain-line and sea-line areas, and between farmers and fishermen. The results showed that the points identified by the respondents were mostly around the Fangliao administrative center and the Fangliao fishery port, indicating that social values were concentrated near the Fangliao administrative center. Respondents believed that aesthetics and recreational values were more important, and their locations were related to the distance from orchards and roads. From the perspective of the social value of different groups, this study found that points with higher aesthetic value are widely distributed by farmers, including Shenshuiying Ancient Road, Dili Community; points with higher perception by fishermen are more distributed than sea-line area; recreational value among them, the residential sites on the sea-line are widely distributed, including Fangliao Fishery Port, Xinlong Community, etc., while the residential sites on the mountain-line are more distributed in the administrative center; the distribution of farmers with educational and learning value is also wider, including Shenshuiying Ancient Road, Dili Community, etc. , the distribution of fishermen is more in the sea-line area; there is no significant difference in historical and cultural value among the four groups, mainly distributed in Donghai community, Dazhuang community, etc.; in terms of spiritual and religious value, the location of mountain-line fishermen is distributed in Baoan Temple, Mazu Temple, etc., there is no significant difference between the other three groups. Identified points of ecological conservation value are located in mangroves, and there is no difference between groups; and human survival value is widely distributed, but in each group There was no significant difference between them, mainly located in the respondents' own orchards and fish farms.


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