  • 學位論文

以古根漢美術館為鏡 看台中的都市治理

Using Guggenheim as a mirror to observe Tai-chung city’s urban governance

指導教授 : 劉可強


伴隨著資金與技術的轉移,美術館的經營已經不侷限於單一城市、地區,經營者有能力擴張版圖成立跨國美術館以拓展海外市場。古根漢作為一種跨國美術館的經營形式,在畢爾包效應的加持之下,逐漸形成具備提供『城市發展想像』之壟斷地租條件,引發城市間的競逐。 本研究在分析古根漢美術館的崛起,並且成為跨國連結之過程與意義。並對『台中爭取古根漢進駐事件』,進行反省與批判。自2001年底,台中市提出爭取古根漢美術館進駐起,即引發文化界一連串的爭議及討論。此一大型『都市事件』交織在中央與地方、地方政府與議會之間複雜的文化、政治、與利益生態中。藉由分析行動者間的權力關係,以及不同力量的衝撞與折衝過程,呈現出對於古根漢的不同行動與想像。 此時,古根漢在台灣已經不只是文化議題,而是意識型態、地方利益多方角力的戰場。本文中觀察出當台中市在面臨此一大型都市事件,卻無法將古根漢化為累積區辨標記的資產時,其實已經透露出台中市都市治理的困境。


Along with the capital and technology transfer, the business of a museum is no longer just limited to one city or district. The owners of a museum are able to expend it into a multinational museum business for oversea markets. Guggenheim museum as a multinational museum is encouraged by the Bilbao effect, and ready to use the so-called “image of city development” as a bargain condition for “monopoly rent”, and that will induce the competition among the cities. This thesis is intended to analyze the Guggenheim effects and its process and meaning of “transnational interconnectedness”, and then try to criticize and introspect on the case of “Tai-chung city's efforts and struggles to get a Guggenheim museum”. By the time Tai-chung city brought up the Guggenheim issue at the end of 2001, it turned out to be a controversy topic since then. This “city event” interweaved the complicated local culture, political and profit fighting with central government, city government and city council. Through the analyzing of this complicated interrelation and compromising process of all the related parties, this thesis is also trying to expose different actions and views on the image about Guggenheim taken by each party. Guggenheim in Taiwan became not only a cultural issue, but also a battlefield of ideology and profit. This thesis observed that when Tai-chung city lost its chance to win Guggenheim as “mark of distinction”, the city “urban governance” is already in a predicament.


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Castells, Manuel, 2000,《網絡社會的崛起》,夏鑄九、王志弘等譯,台北:唐山。
Coates, J.H., 1984, “The future and museums,” Museum News, August 1984, pp. 40-45. 張譽騰編譯,1994,〈二十位未來學家對博物館的看法〉,《全球村中博物館的未來》,台北縣:稻香出版社。


