  • 學位論文


Trends in the Relationship between Familial Socioeconomic Status and Smoke-Free Families in Taiwan

指導教授 : 江東亮教授


背景:臺灣在1987年開放洋菸進口與菸品促銷,加速政府與民間團體共同持續推動拒菸工作,菸害防制法於1997年通過後開始實施。 目標:描述無菸家庭的成長趨勢,並且探討家庭社經地位與無菸家庭關係之變遷。 方法:本研究以家庭為分析單位。分析資料來自主計處1976年、1990年與2003年的「臺灣地區家庭收支調查」,分別有9461、16434、13,681樣本戶。 結果:臺灣無菸家庭率在1976年、1990年與2003年持續上升,分別為19.83%、32.75%、與55.0%。家戶收入在第五分位、戶長教育程度在大專以上、戶長職業為白領的家庭,率先接受拒菸概念、採納戒菸行為,其無菸家庭率率先上升。隨著整體無菸家庭率持續上升,臺灣吸菸不平等現象有逐漸擴大的趨勢。複回歸分析則顯示:家戶收入對於無菸家庭的作用隨著年代而減弱,相對而言,戶長教育程度是無菸家庭最重要的決定因子。 結論:隨著反菸運動與拒菸意識持續發展,臺灣的無菸家庭率持續上升。不同社經地位的家庭,其吸菸不平等現象有逐漸擴大的趨勢。


Background: The market opening to foreign cigarette brands has evoked the anti-smoking movement in Taiwan since 1987. With continuing efforts of Taiwan’s Department of Health and non-governmental organizations and, the Tobacco Hazard Control Act went into effect in 1997. Objectives: We examine trends in the relationship between familial socioeconomic stastus and smoke-free families in Taiwan. Methods: Data on the smoking status and socioeconomic characteristics of family came from the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure in Taiwan, with a nationally representative sample of 9,461, 16,434, 13,681 households for index year 1976, 1990 and 2003 respectively. Results: The prevalence of smoke-free family in Taiwan has increased from 19.9% in 1976, 32.8% in 1990, to 55.0% in 2003. Rich families and families with a highly educated or white-collar household head were early adopters to become smoke-free. Accordingly, the social disparities of smoke-free families have become worse in Taiwan. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the education of the household head has become stronger in determining the smoke-free status, compared to the diminishing effects of family income. Conclusions: The prevalence of smoke-free families in Taiwan has been increasing over the past 30 years, whereas the social disparities of smoke-free families have continued widening.


socioeconomic status smoke-free family trend


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