  • 學位論文


Family background and returns to schoolings-Evidence from Taiwanese Household Survey

指導教授 : 邱鳳臨


本研究主要目的是想了解家庭背景因素是否會影響子女的教育投資報酬,並進一步探討,在分階段加入個人特質、其父母親及其配偶的特質(教育程度、職業及從業身份)之後,個人特質對於解釋其工資率的效果是否會改變。本研究以Mincer(1974)的人力資本理論為基礎,根據Lam與 Schoeni (1993)提出的模型,並以Liu, Hamimt and Lin(1999)的研究為藍本,加入家庭背景因素的考量後觀察在不同的樣本及變數下教育投資報酬率的變化。此外,本研究與以往文獻最大的區別在於樣本的選取。除了已婚成年男性以外,本研究也以未婚女性為樣本進行實證分析,這群未婚女性樣本最大的特徵就是其擁有較高學歷,且對於所得具有較大的支配能力。   本研究採用採用普通最小平方法(Ordinary Least Squares, OLS)進行實證分析。所有變數之統計資料來源均來自華人家庭動態資料庫(Panel Study of Family Dynamics,以下簡稱PSFD)及行政院主計處的人力運用調查(Manpower Utilization Survey,以下簡稱MUS)的原始資料。選定所有家計部門中20至65歲的受訪者,且樣本的限制是台灣地區成年的已婚男性勞動者(MUS再另外增加未婚女性的樣本)。   本研究實證分析結果可歸納如下:男性已婚工作者的薪資可由自身的教育程度解釋一部份,若忽略家庭背景因素將造成教育投資報酬的高估,但家庭背景因素只有妻子的教育程度是顯著的,從我們的資料中卻無法證實父母親的特性對兒子薪資的影響。近年來家庭背景因素對子女薪資的影響逐漸式微。另外,未婚女性樣本的實證結果異於男性已婚樣本。本研究發現父親教育程度對未婚女性工作者薪資有正面影響,家庭背景因素對於未婚女性樣本而言較為顯著,家庭背景較佳的女性可能獲得較高的薪資報酬。這可能是因為年輕女性需藉由家庭背景的力量助其取得較高的婚姻成就。


Purpose of the study is to understand if the returns of schooling would be influenced by family background factor. In other words, we would like to know the relationship of the family background and the workers’ wage rates. That is, we consider into several factors such as individual his own attributes, his parents’ level of education, occupations, and his wife’s level of education and occupation, and then we would like to understand if the effects of individual his own attributes on the wage rate would change. The study is based on Mincer’s human capital theory, the model created by Lamand Schoeni in 1993, and Liu, Hamimt and Lin’s study in 1999. After adding family background variables into the consideration, we would like to observe the change of the returns to schooling with different variables and different samples. Besides, the most obvious distinction from other studies in the past is the selection of samples. In addition to adult married male samples, the study also adopts adult unmarried female samples to take a statistical analysis. The unmarried female samples are most characterized by their higher level of education, and have more domination right to income. We also like to know the effects of family background on female worker’s wage rates. We utilize the original data of Manpower Utilization Survey (MUS) and Panel Study of Family Dynamics (PSFD) to proceed with the Ordinary Least Squares analysis and examine the relationship of family background and worker’s wage rates. In the study, we select the workers aged 20 -65, and restrict our analysis to married male workers living in Taiwan. But in the MUS data base, we also adopt the unmarried female samples. Findings of the empirical analysis are that married male workers’ wage rates can be explained partly by their level of education. Returns of schooling would be overvalued without considering family background factor, but only wives’ level of education could affect workers’ wage rates. According to the data in the study, we can’t confirm the effects of parents’ attributes on children’s wage rates. Recently the effects of family background factor on children’s wage rates are gradually fading. On the other hand, the empirical conclusion of unmarried female samples is differed from that of married male samples. The study concludes that father’s level of education plays important role on the wage rates of unmarried females. The effects of family background factors on unmarried females are more evident, that is, unmarried women who come from better family have higher wage rates. The reason may be that the ideal strategy of social mobility for women is a pattern based on attainment through marriage, rather than attainment via one’s own education, as for men.


2. 行政院主計處民國94年台灣地區家庭收支調查報告。
8. 駱明慶(2002),「誰是台大學生?性別、省籍與城郷差距」,經濟論文叢刊,30:1 ,頁113-147。
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7. 駱明慶(2000),「教育成就的省籍與性別差異」,經濟論文叢刊,32:4 ,頁417-445。
1. Armitage, Jane and Sabot, Richard(1987),”Socioeconomic background and the returns to schooling in two low-income countries”, Economica, 54, p103-108.


