  • 學位論文


Genetic characterization of the late blight resistant locus qPh2.1 in tomato

指導教授 : 陳凱儀


本研究室先前的數量性狀基因座遺傳定位研究指出,野生番茄L3708 (Solanum pimpinellifolium L.) 除了在第九對染色體具有晚疫病抗病基因Ph-3以外,於第二對染色體上亦具有另一個抗病基因qPh2.1。延續先前研究結果,本研究使用與先前研究相同的野生番茄L3708與栽培番茄T3224雜交族群,以其衍生之自交F3:4子代為接種材料進行研究。並設定兩個研究目標:(1) Ph-3抗病基因的精確定位;(2) 新抗病基因qPh2.1對於晚疫病抗病能力的確認,並評估qPh2.1基因座的遺傳特性。 研究結果指出,qPh2.1確實能賦予番茄對晚疫病之抗性,其抗病對偶基因型相對於感病對偶基因型為隱性。根據番茄全基因體組參照序列SL 2.5,本研究將Ph-3抗病基因定位於番茄第九對染色體鹼基序列71,356,855 bp至71,501,998 bp區間;qPh2.1則被定位於番茄第二對染色體鹼基序列 28,042,265 bp的前方染色體區域。


番茄 晚疫病 抗病基因 Ph-3 qPh2.1


Our previous QTL mapping study showed that the wild tomato accession L3708 (Solanum pimpinellifolium L.) harbors a new late blight resistant gene qPh2.1 on chromosome 2, in addition to the Ph-3 gene on chromosome 9. The aims of present study were as following: (1) Ph-3 fine mapping; (2) genetic characterization of the resistance of qPh2.1. In the current study, the qPh2.1 resistance to late blight disease was validated and characterized using isogenic lines derived from the previous F2:3 genetic mapping population which was generated using L3708 as the resistant parent. Our results indicated that the resistant allele of qPh2.1 was recessive to the susceptible allele. The qPh-3 gene was delimited in the region between 71,356,855 bp to 71,501,998 bp; and the qPh2.1 gene was delimited in the chromosomal region ahead of 28,042,265 bp on chromosome 2, according to the tomato SL 2.5 genomic reference sequences.


Tomato late blight resistant gene Ph-3 qPh2.1


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