  • 學位論文


A Study of Value Proposition and Value Fit in Electric Scooter Industry of Taiwan — Case Study of Gogoro Inc.

指導教授 : 陳家麟


近年來我國整體機車市場仍保有成長動能,在電動機車方面,銷售量因睿能創意股份有限公司(Gogoro)在性能上的改善與商業模式的創新而有了強勁的成長,檢視每月重型機車新增掛牌數,Gogoro市佔率於2017年9月超越5%,擠身第四大機車廠商。未來,電動機車完全取代傳統燃油機車的情況不再是空談。 本研究以2017年電動機車市佔率最高、最具指標性的Gogoro作為個案研究對象,並利用亞歷山大.奧斯瓦爾德(Alex Osterwalder)於2014年出版之《價值主張年代》作為分析工具,以深度訪談及問券調查的方式,完成傳統燃油車廠之價值地圖、Gogoro之價值地圖、燃油機車騎士之顧客素描、Gogoro騎士之顧客素描,並進行價值適配之交叉分析。探討Gogoro所提出之價值主張,是否能夠解決燃油機車騎士、Gogoro騎士所面臨的痛點並為其創造價值,並提供Gogoro未來產品及服務之具體優化建議。 研究發現,比起三大燃油機車廠,Gogoro價值地圖更適配於燃油機車騎士之顧客素描,然而,Gogoro卻推出了騎士們認為不那麼必要的智慧功能,例如光感應頭燈、自動倒車,建議Gogoro往後開發智慧功能時,可先測試市場需求與反應,或將這些功能從標準改為選配;同時,Gogoro忽略了燃油機車騎士更為重視的非智慧項目,如加大車廂空間、提高車廂通風程度、發展翻轉坐墊等。另外,在Gogoro推出2系列後,其後勤規劃及發展已窮於應付日漸增多之車主,尤其以市區滿電電池不足、郊區充電站不夠、預約保養等太久等問題最為嚴重。Gogoro所提出之價值地圖更可能變相造成Gogoro騎士現階段之痛點,例如標榜客製化出車,卻導致交車時間過長;標榜零配件多樣化,但是對於在意性價比的顧客來說,商品太貴且缺乏實用性;Gogoro擁有多個網路社群,但內部互動程度差異大。為解決Gogoro騎士所遭遇之痛點、仍渴求的獲益,本研究建議Gogoro製造與交車速度必須跟上市場需求、加開服務中心、延長服務時間或新增更多設備及技師、避免充電站拆遷造成既有顧客困擾、提高市區滿電率、增加郊區知名景點之充電站數量、降低周邊商品入手門檻並提高實用性、提供騎士更多騎乘分析資料、新增多元資費方案、提升車主社群的整體互動率。


Recently, total sales of scooters in Taiwan continues to grow, especially the sales of “electric” scooters, due to the functional performance improvement and business model innovation of a single company, Gogoro Inc. According to the number of monthly regular heavy scooters listed, Gogoro's market share surpassed 5% in September 2017 and became the fourth largest scooter manufacturer in Taiwan. In the near future, it’s no longer a dream that fuel scooters will be replaced by electric scooters in Taiwan. In this study, Gogoro, who owns the highest market share of electric scooters industy in 2017 of Taiwan, is slelected as the object of case study. In order to clarify whether the value proposition provided by scooter companies in Taiwan today meet the needs of riders or not, Alex Osterwalder's "Value Proposition Design", published in 2014, is used as analytical tools to complete the value map of the fuel scooter manufacturers, value map of Gogoro, customer profile of fuel scooter riders and customer profile of Gogoro riders by means of focused interview and questionnaire survey. Then, four maps will be compard with each other to see whether the value fit or not, if not, then the viable solutions will be proposed for Gogoro to improve their products and services. At the end of the thesis, we found out that Gogoro’s value map is more suited to customer profile of fuel scooter riders than the other three major fuel scooter manufacturers. However, Gogoro has introduced some smart features that riders think are less necessary, such as automatic headlights with light sensor and automatic reversing system. This study suggests that Gogoro should test market needs and reactions before develop new smart features, or, change these functions from standard to optional. At the same time, Gogoro ignores the non-smart features that fuel scooter riders pay more attention to, such as space and the level of ventilation of scooter trunk, and flipped cushions. In addition, after Gogoro launched the 2 Series, its logistical planning and development have been unable to cope with the growing number of Gogoro riders. Issues include the lack of fully-charged batteries in urban areas, inadequate charging stations in suburban areas, and the long waiting list of after-sales service. On top of that, Gogoro's value proposition is likely to cause cutomer’s pains, for example, customizing the scooter led to longer delivery times; for price-sensitive customers, diversified parts are too expensive and lack of necessity; Gogoro has multiple online communities, but the level of internal interactions between members varies widely. In order to solve pains and create gains of Gogoro riders, this study suggests that Gogoro should accelerate the manufacturing and delivery speed, open more service centers, extended service hours or hire more technicians, avoid customer complain caused by relocation of charging stations, increase the fully-charged rate of charging stations in urban areas, increase the number of charging stations near well-known attractions in suburban areas, lower the price and improve practicality of peripheral products, provide riders more personal riding analysis data, provide more payment plans, and enhance the overall interaction rate between members in online communities.


