  • 學位論文


How and When does Brand’s Social Media Tone affect Brand Attitude? The Mediation of Social Distance and Moderation of Message Level

指導教授 : 練乃華


社群媒體平台逐漸成為品牌與消費者溝通的重要管道,該如何與消費者在社群媒體上互動逐漸成為品牌重視的事。有許多研究認為人性化語氣會讓消費者有更好的態度,也有部分研究討論在不同的情境下人性化語氣不一定是品牌最好的選擇。而與過去研究探討消費者所處的情境不同,本研究會延伸探討品牌在社群媒體所使用的語氣(人性化vs.公司)與訊息內容的搭配會如何影響消費者的態度與購買意願。   本研究採用組間實驗設計法,2(語氣:人性化語氣 vs. 公司語氣)x2(訊息層級:高 vs. 低),共四組實驗情境。以「語氣」作為自變數,「品牌態度」、「產品態度」、「品牌購買意願」及「產品購買意願」作為依變數,探討品牌使用語氣的差異如何透過社會距離的中介影響消費者對於品牌和產品的態度及購買意願,並進一步探討訊息層級與語氣以及社會距離的交互作用影響。   研究成果指出: 一、語氣會透過社會距離的中介影響消費者的態度與購買意願,人性化語氣會拉近與消費者的距離進一步提高態度與購買意願。 二、使用人性化語氣的情況下,搭配訊息層級低的訊息,相對於搭配訊息層級較高的訊息,消費者的品牌態度和產品態度會較好。   研究結果顯示社會距離確實是語氣影響消費者態度關係之間的中介變數,而語氣搭配不同的訊息內容也會影響消費者的態度。本研究為人性化語氣在社群媒體的應用場景提出貢獻,提供品牌在社群媒體上與消費者互動時使用何種語氣與訊息內容搭配的建議。


Social media platforms have become an important connection between brands and consumers. Brands put high attention on the way of interacting with consumers on social media. Some studies consider that human voice will increase consumers’ attitudes, but some suggest that human voice may not be the brands’ best choice in different consumer contexts. Different from past studies had focused on consumers’ context, the thesis addresses the tone of voice and post content used by brands on social media. The study aims to understand how “match” between brands' tone of voice and message-level on social media will influence consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention. This research conducts a 2 (Tone of voice: Human voice vs. Corporate voice) x 2 (Message level: High level vs. Low level) between-subject experiment. With “Tone of voice” serves as the main independent variable and “Brand attitude”, “Product attitude”, “Brand purchase intention” and “Product purchase intention” serve as dependent variables. This research discusses how social distance mediates the relationship between tone of voice and attitude; moreover, the interaction term of message level and social distance, and the interaction term of the tone of voice and social distance will influence consumers’ attitude and purchase intention. The findings of the thesis indicate that tone of voice will influence consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention through the mediation of social distance. Consumers feel that the human voice is closer than the corporate voice and increase attitude and purchase intention. Second, when human voice matches with the low-level message, consumers’ attitudes will be higher than matches with the high-level message. The results of the thesis contribute to the real-world application of human voice on social media as well as provides practical guidelines for brands regarding the tone of voice and the content in communicating with consumers on social media.


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