  • 學位論文


Competition Strategy of Autofocus Motor Industry in China Market - Evidence from NS Autofocus Company

指導教授 : 許文馨
共同指導教授 : 劉心才


自動對焦馬達主要是使用於有自動對焦功能的攝像頭模組,近十年來這關鍵零組件最主要應用在拍照功能的智慧型手機。手機攝像頭供應鏈有非常緊密配合的合作關係。攝像頭模組中任何一個環節因品質或是缺料無法滿足需求時,會影響全供應鏈中每一層每一家廠商的出貨目標,攝像頭供應鏈就像生命共同體,共同為每一個手機終端設定的目標達成而努力。 NS公司的前身S社,本是一家日本老字號微型馬達發明者,坐擁獨佔市場卻因為跟不上自動化腳步失去重要客戶並被陸資併購成為轉戰中國市場的本土企業。NS公司在中國自動對焦馬達市場表現相當傑出,經過研究者分析認為NS公司在中國自動對焦馬達市場能成功的因素有四點:(1)延續品牌價值、(2)明確的競爭策略、(3)無股權策略聯盟的加持、(4)民族意識的推動。謹以此研究結論提供給台灣的自動對焦馬達廠商進入中國市場一些建議, 並期待未來有更多相關產業分析能作為台灣中小企業對抗跨國競爭對手的參考依據。


自動對焦馬達 VCM 攝像頭 模組 感測IC 載體


Auto-focus motor is mainly used for the camera module with auto-focus function. This critical component assembly has been implemented on smartphone photography over the last decade. The supply chain of phone camera involves very close-collaboration with its partnership. It will impact any tier suppliers on achieving shipping fulfillment if any de-commitment owing to quality for shortage issues in any stage. Camera module supplier chain is kind of community of life in this industry, all suppliers work very hard to meet the goal of end customer. The predecessor of NS Company is S company, which owns an old brand in micro motor invention. It had possessed monopolistic market once, but was merged by Chinese fund company and turned to competition of domestic market since it was not able to catch up with the auto-manufacturing requirement and lost the key customers. NS performs very excellent in auto-focus motor of China market, as long as the analysis of this research, four success factors are as follow : (1)Sustain brand value, (2)Accurate Competitive Strategy, (3)The aid of nonequity strategic alliance, (4)National consciousness impetus. With this research conclusion, it provides models to invade Chinese markets of auto-focus motor for Taiwan’s vendors. And looking forward the related industrial analysis to be refereed by small and medium enterprise in competition with Multination Corporation in the future.


Auto-focus motor VCM Camera Sensor IC Carrier Lens


1. TDK台灣官方網站,https://www.tw.tdk.com/about_view.php?id=41369。
2. 小丰子俱樂部,「雙鏡頭相機懶人包」,https://tel3c.tw/blog/post/222860578。
3. 尤嘉禾(2019),「台睿精工聚焦於觸覺回饋技術,掌握車用與智慧型手機大商機」,Digit-imes,https://www.digitimes.com.tw/tech/dt/n/shwnws.asp?cnlid=13&id=0000559600_LJR5GV2A1N8BP7LEJ89LA。
4. 中國產業發展研究網,「2016中國攝像頭行業大數據預測分析」,https://read01.com/8Nd4R2.html#.Xg13DFUzaAY 。
