  • 學位論文


TouchSense: Expanding Touchscreen Vocabulary using Different Areas of Users’ Finger Pads

指導教授 : 陳彥仰


「TouchSense」是一種旨在讓使用者在智慧型穿戴裝置上快速切換 輸入模式的技術。以智慧型手錶為例,其操作介面還是以一般觸控螢 幕方式作互動,但穿戴式裝置因為追求體積小,所能提供的操作介面 相對縮小,一般的輸入方式,並不適合此操作情境(譬如:由於螢幕面 積小,較難以雙指作 pinch 手勢來放大地圖),其原因來自於在一般的 操作介面下,每一次的手指點按,只能產生基本的輸入資訊(按下/非 按下),導致互動方式因此受限。 「TouchSense」提出了一個嶄新的想法,我們決定在人的食指上不同 區域安裝不同的功能,當使用者使用不同手指部位觸按螢幕,代表著 不同的輸入模式,即可跳脫出目前觸控螢幕使用方式的框架,我們設 計了兩個使用者實驗,找出使用者區分手指不同部位的能力,並提出 互動方式的設計方針。之後我們將兩個動態傳感器 (inertial motion unit) 分別安裝在使用者的手指及智慧型手錶上,並透過 SVM 技術辨識出手 指相對於觸控螢幕的觸控姿勢,進一步地即時推論出使用者欲使用哪 個手指部位觸按螢幕。最後設計了數個實驗比較「TouchSense」與數 個在智慧型手錶上常用的模式切換方法,實驗結果表示「TouchSense」 讓使用者能夠在模式切換上擁有較佳的表現。


We present TouchSense, which provides additional touchscreen input vo- cabulary by distinguishing the areas of users’ finger pads contacting the touch- screen. It requires minimal touch input area and minimal movement, mak- ing it especially ideal for wearable devices such as smart watches and smart glasses. For example, users of a calculator application on a smart watch could tap normally to enter numbers, and tap with the right side of their fingers to en- ter the operators (e.g. +, -, =). Results from two human-factor studies showed that users could tap a touchscreen with five or more distinct areas of their finger pads. Also, they were able to tap with more distinct areas closer to their fingertips. As a proof of concept, we developed a TouchSense smart watch prototype using inertial measurement sensors, and three example ap- plications: a calculator, a map viewer, and a text editor. In a follow-up study, we further reported user performance and user feedbacks on the TouchSense applications.


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