  • 學位論文


Design of Controller Parameters for Static Synchronous Compensators

指導教授 : 許源浴


隨著環保意識的興起,再生能源已漸漸地受到重視,如太陽能、風力能、生質能、地熱、黑潮能等等,使得電力潮流不再只是由傳統發電廠產生,如此將會對整個電力系統造成很大的衝擊。所以如何改善整個電力系統的穩定度、使得電力品質能夠維持最佳,將是未來電力工程師努力的目標與面對的問題。 在電力系統中,靜態同步補償器(STATCOM)能適當的提供或吸收無效電力,除了可改善功率因數、降低輸電線路損失、提高輸電效率及改善系統穩定度外,亦可確保系統電壓穩定。因此無效電力的控制與調節,對電力系統有極大的影響。 靜態同步補償器是利用直流電壓源及脈波寬度調變技術來提供或吸收無效電力,進而達到控制系統電壓的效果。而同步補償器在控制器設計過程中,會面臨PI控制器參數選定的問題,論文中利用根軌跡配合極點指定法來設計四個PI控制器的參數,使得所設計之同步補償器可以兼顧響應速度與系統穩定。 模擬方面使用Matlab/Simulink®軟體來評估系統的補償效果。實驗方面採用配電系統的架構,控制系統則以個人電腦為基礎,配合感測霍爾元件量測電力系統之訊號及透過資料擷取卡做類比訊號與數位訊號的轉換, 最後由程式語言turbo C 計算產生驅動信號後,驅動變流器來達成電壓補償控制。


To decrease the CO2 emission and relieve global warming effect, renewable energy such as solar energy, wind energy, biofuel, geothermal power, Kuroshio current(Black Tide) energy, etc, received much attention in recent years. These unconventional power sources may have great impact on the whole power system. So how to improve system stability and maintain good power quality will be of major concern to power engineers around the world. In a power system, a static synchronous compensator(STATCOM), which is capable of delivering or absorbing reactive power, not only improves power factor and voltage regulation, but also reduces line losses and enhances system stability. In the thesis, a STATCOM will be designed to regulate bus voltages when the power system is subject to disturbances. The STATCOM employs a direct current capacitor to offer the voltage source and uses the pulse width modulation technology to control the reactive power delivered or absorbed by the STATCOM in order to achieve bus voltage regulation. In the design of a STATCOM, it is important to determine proper gains for the PI controller. Root locus techniques and pole assignment methods are used to determine proper gains for the PI controller such that the STATCOM has fast response and good stability. The effectiveness of the designed STATCOM is investigated by digital simulations using the Simulink of MATLAB software. The experiments are conducted on a scaled-down distribution system. The control system is based on a personal computer. Hall sensors are employed to measure voltage and current signals through data acquisition cards which converts analog signals to digital ones. Finally, the computer calculates the desired compensation voltage through program language Turbo C to produce driving signals which drive converters to achieve bus voltage compensation.


Transactions on Power Systems, vol.2, no.1, pp. 92
-100, 1987.
[7] L. Gyugyi, “Power Electronics in Electric
Utilities : Static Var Compensators.” Proceedings of


