  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Differentiation Strategy and Competitive Advantage for Construction Firms

指導教授 : 荷世平


由於營造業入門門檻低,建造技術沿襲已久,因此隨著物價波動的上漲、技術勞動力日益短缺的情況之下,營建業面臨兩大壓力:一勞工短缺、二同業削價競爭,廠商的生存受到兩者的夾擊,在不偷工減料犧牲品質的前提之下,多數廠商僅能透過組織管理精簡及轉嫁下游廠商等方式生存,但此治標方式並無法真正解決問題,提升獲利。如何擺脫此種困境,謀求企業的永續經營,是諸多營造廠商現況極力思索與嘗試的課題。本研究的目的期望以一個案,深入探討,期望能擺脫以往削價競爭的模式,改從為業主創造附加價值的角度去思考,以利謀求企業永續經營的未來。 本研究以Kathleen M. Eisenhardt(2008)的『Building Theories from Case Study Research』(個案研究法)來進行主題的研究,採用單一個案的探索式方式進行之,選擇『潤弘精密工程事業股份有限公司』為研究對象,探討潤弘精密如何在一片不景氣聲浪中異軍崛起及業績蒸蒸日上。透過本研究得知,潤弘精密是以『差異化』策略為手法,創造了業主的附加價值,進而取得市場,獲得超額利潤。透過本單一個案進行深入訪談、直接觀察、文件記錄等蒐集,歸納出研究目的所需的關聯性與邏輯。本研究提出兩項假說: <假說一> 傳統產業(營造業)選用差異化為競爭策略,可以形成與競爭對手間的差距、強化競爭優勢並創造利潤。 <假說二> 採用差異化手法作為企業競爭策略時,企業內部必須思考降低因實施差異化所帶來的邊際成本,如此才能創造出客戶願意接受的價格。 上述兩項假說提供了幾個重要的影響:


The construction industry has been forced two major impacts, lack of labors and cost competition, because of its well-practiced technology. To resist such impacts, the traditional construction firms usually transfer the construction costs to their vendors or reengineer the corporation. These actions can only solve the above-stated impacts for a while. Therefore, the most construction firms pay much attention on increasing their competitive advantage and their earnings during facing the impacts. This study attempts to find a novel thought not only to leave the price war in construction industry but also to increase meaningful and additional value for buyer through a case study. This study uses the case study procedures proposed by Kathleen M. Eisenhardt (2008) (“Building Theories from Case Study Research”) in progress. A firm, Ruentex Engineering & construction Co., Ltd., is chosen in the case study research because the chosen firm is well-known in breaking through the price war in construction industry. To investigate this company, it is observed the differential strategy is adopted to increase the added value of buyers. This study analyzes and compares the collected data (records of visiting talk, financial information, literature review and direct observation) interactively to find the strategy logical and background of interested case. Two assumptions are observed as follows: (1) The traditional industry (construction industry) can make earnings and keep competition advantage by choosing “differential strategy”. (2) The cost down is still important and should be considered even that a firm owns its successful differential strategy.


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