  • 學位論文


The Impact of Environment on the Organizational Transformation from a Dynamic Capabilities Perspective:A Case Study of MissionCare Inc.

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


台灣政府早期是針對具有工作的勞工、公務人員、農民等提供社會保險,但最需要醫療照顧的老弱婦孺卻未納入保障,於是政府著手推動全民健保以保障全台灣人民,然而醫療費用上漲,全民健保財務虧損致使政府推出藥費部分負擔、總額支付制度等措施以抑制醫療費用成長,近期,政府更面臨台灣人口老化以及全球化的趨勢,鼓勵醫療院所提供全人照顧,以及促進醫療產業升級並與觀光旅遊、科技業合作,以擴大國內市場並提升產業競爭力。然而,台灣醫療產業在受到全民健保以及政府政策影響下,私立醫療院所數逐年減少,另一方面,中小型醫療院所數量亦逐漸萎縮,並且醫院有朝大型化發展的趨勢。 本研究利用個案研究的方式檢視近40年來的醫療環境變化以及敏盛醫控公司的動態發展歷程。位於桃園的敏盛醫控公司,由創辦人楊敏盛於1975年在桃園市開立敏盛外科開放醫院,後轉型成為敏盛綜合醫院,並逐步於龍潭、大園、楊梅等地設立地區醫院,以建立起連鎖醫院,在2001年經國敏盛區域醫院成立,到2006年敏盛醫控公司成立並將敏盛醫療體系各部門資源整合並分割成亞太健康股份有限公司、盛弘醫藥股份有限公司與敏盛資產管理股份有限公司以達到專業分工目的,並由敏盛醫控公司持有上述公司股份,近年來,敏盛醫控公司更積極發展國際醫療與遠距照護項目,期望能擴大其經營規模與範疇。 研究結果顯示,第一,醫療產業環境不斷變動,同時敏盛也不斷調整其組織架構與累積能力以適應環境變化;第二,敏盛透過策略聯盟,結合同業與異業的資源與技術擴大聯盟的力量,同時敏盛也透過聯盟向外學習Know-How;第三,敏盛透過策略聯盟累積一定的經驗與能力後,便成立自有公司經營業務,而公司化可讓不同成員目標一致,也便於利益分配,讓彼此較易合作。


Early days, Taiwan government only provided social insurance for those who had jobs such as labors and farmers. Most elders and children were not protected by the social insurance, so the government implemented the National Health Insurance (NHI) in order to protect all the Taiwanese. However, medical expenses were continuously growing and NHI faced financial losses. The government proposed global budget system etc. to control medical expenses. For the past decade, the aging population in Taiwan and the trend of globalization encourage health care institutions to provide total care as well as to improve health care industry by cooperating with the tourism industry, the science and technology industry. However, the health care environment in Taiwan is dynamic and the number of private hospitals is decreasing. In addition, the number of small and medium-sized hospitals is gradually shrinking. This research uses the case study method to view the dynamic course of development of the health care environment and MissionCare Inc. in the past 40 years. MissionCare Inc. is located in Taoyuan County. Yang, Min-Sheng set up the open hospital in Taoyuan County in 1975. In 1981, Min-Sheng Open Hospital was transformed to Min-Sheng General Hospital. Yang, Min-Sheng opened up more hospitals in Taoyuan later. Min-Sheng Regional Hospital was established in 2001. In 2006 MissionCare Inc. was established to fulfill the specialization purpose. In recent years, the MissionCare Inc. is more active about the development of international medical service and telecare. The research results show that the health care industry environment constantly changing, and MissionCare Inc. also continues to adjust its organizational structure and accumulate its’ capabilities to adapt to environmental changes. Second, MissionCare Inc. learns from others and integrates members’ resources and know-how by forming strategic alliances. Third, MissionCare Inc. accumulates experiences and capabilities through strategic alliances, then it sets up its own company to operate the business. That allows different members to have the same objective, and that also facilitates the distribution of benefits to each other.


