  • 學位論文


Feasibiltiy Study of Applying IoT in Traffic Signal Malfunctioning Detection

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


新北市幅員廣大,有號誌之路口已近4,000處,目前境內號誌皆是透過民眾或警方以電話或網路通報交控中心後,交控中心才以紙本出單派員前往處理,若在偏僻之地區,號誌可能故障數個月也無人通報,維修效率十分不佳。 號誌為24小時運作之設備,是用路人遵循之依據,若發生故障,輕則發生小擦撞,大則車毀人亡,因此必須隨時保持號誌的正常運作,一旦發生故障,也必須在最短時間內予以修復。 人類體力及專注力十分有限,像數據監測或公共安全這類需長時間保持高度專注力之工作即不適合由人類來執行。 隨著各種感測元件價格逐年調降、傳輸費用亦不斷下修的條件下,以機器代替人力之物聯網技術就成了近年最熱門的話題。機器的優勢是不需要休息,可以24小時不中斷並維持統一的標準執行各項業務,近年來應用的領域也越來越廣泛。 本研究計畫在號誌控制器內安裝電流偵測器,即時監測號誌燈頭輸出電流值,當發現有燈頭故障情形時,即以無線網路方式將燈頭故障數量及故障種類傳回交控中心,交控中心再以app通報維修員,讓維修員可提早準備維修材料及數量,由過去的被動接收民眾通報到主動發現故障,大幅縮短號誌修復的時間。


物聯網 號誌故障 IoT


There are nearly 4,000 signalized intersections in New Taipei City. In case of traffic signal malfunctioning, a citizen or policeman needs to initiate the repairing process by calling the traffic control center to report the problem before any action will be taken. In some remote areas, traffic lights can be down for a long time without being reported, and thus never been repaired. A malfunctioned traffic signal can result in car accidents even life losses.Therefore, it is extremely important that the functioning of the traffic lights throughout the city is closely monitored and problems are taken care of in the shortest time possible. In monitoring such a tremendous data around the clock, machine is more suitable for the job than human. Thanks to the price reduction each year in sensors and data transmission, using the technology of Iot, Internet of Things, to replace human in areas that demand accuracy and consistency around the clock is now not only possible but cost effective and necessary. This study aims to automatize the reporting system of traffic signal problems by installing current detectors in the signal controllers. When a problem occurs, the detector automatically sends a signal back to the traffic control center with the information of problem type and number of units needs to be replaced. The traffic control center will then dispatch the maintenance worker to the site promptly with the related information through app. By utilizing machine to monitor the signal errors in the entire network 24/7, the passive problem reporting -- repairing process can be greatly shorten, thus the road safety can be ensured and the loss of lives and property can be reduced.


