  • 學位論文


MetaCat - A Meta Search System for Taiwanese Libraries

指導教授 : 項潔


不同的圖書館有各自的館藏目錄檢索系統,並且擁有各自不同的使用介面。為這些不同的圖書館建置一個「館藏目錄聯合檢索系統」能為讀者節省釵h時間與心力,讓讀者不需到各個不同圖書館的檢索系統去一一學習操作方法、一一找書、再一一過濾出真正想要的書目資料。 這類型的聯合檢索系統在國內已經有兩個較大的實作系統出現:國家圖書館所建置的 NBINet ,與中正大學的「國內圖書館圖書虛擬聯合目錄」。與 NBINet 合作的圖書館會定期將館藏目錄資料轉出、並上傳到 NBINet 集中存放,讀者透過 NBINet 檢索時便可找到各圖書館已上傳的書目資料。 中正大學的作法則是透過程式,在使用者檢索時及時到各圖書館的 Webpac 系統、為使用者代發檢索條件,再將各圖書館的查詢結果合併在同一個網頁上呈現給使用者。然而 NBINet 需要各圖書館的配合,館藏目錄與借儐洩p也無法反應及時現狀。中正大學的「國內圖書館圖書虛擬聯合目錄」則需分別對每個圖書館 Webpac 系統撰寫代替使用者下查詢的程式,並且其查詢結果只是將各館的查詢結果放在同一個網頁上,並沒有做任何的整理與整合,對使用者仍然非常不方便。 本論文所實作的 MetaCat 系統採用與中正大學相同的分散式 Meta search 架構,將使用者的檢索條件代發到各圖書館的 Webpac 系統,並將查詢結果針對書名與圖書館,做良好的整合與呈現。除了強調以使用者角度為考量重點以外,本系統將處理不同 webpac 的部分簡化為 XML 設定,強調軟體架構上的重用性與彈性、以及維護管理的簡便性。


Webpac (Web Patron Access Catalog) is the most common tool in modern libraries for users to find books. In order to find a book from different libraries, however, he needs to access different webpacs and be familiar with different interfaces. To make books from different libraries more useful to more users, it is desirable to build a uniform search platform with access to different catalogues. One such approach is to build a union catalog that contains the content of many catalogues. The NBINet (National Bibliographic Information Network) of Taiwan is one such example. While it can be very effective, its success depends on the goodwill and timely updates of the participating libraries. Another approach is to build a "virtual" catalog that sends run-time queries to libraries and collect the results. One such system has been built in Taiwan by the National Chung Cheng University. In this thesis we describe a new meta search system for accessing library catalogues called MetaCat. In addition to sending queries to webpacs of different universities, MetaCat also post-process query results and provide an integrated presentation of search outcome. To enhance the reusability and flexibility, MetaCat simplifies the work of writing respective program to handle different webpac system into writing XML configurations. This makes both system management and scalability much easier.


webpac library system meta search


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