  • 學位論文


A Distributed Group Conference System for LANs using Multicasting

指導教授 : 陳銘憲


利用視訊會議系統,我們可以和遠方的人溝通,而不受到距離的限制。 視訊會議系統可以分成三個種類:廣播,一對一,以及群組(多對多)。 群組會議系統可以提供多人同時互動,架構較複雜,也因此需要較多的設備。 在群組會議系統中,所有的節點連結到伺服器上,每個節點傳送資料到伺服器,並從伺服器接受資料。 在本篇論文中,我們著重於區域網路上的群組會議系統。利用群播的特性,我們提出了一個不需要伺服器居中掌控的架構,而原先伺服器處理的視訊混合,視訊選擇,控制,使用者名單等弁遄A則分散開來,由各個節點去處理。 每個節點間利用群播的方式,和其他的節點溝通,同步更新使用者的名單,協調會議開啟結束等。 經過實驗,即使沒有伺服器在中央掌控,我們的系統上的各節點依然能獲得幾乎同步而準確的使用者名單,並且能夠依需要各別開會議,就像有伺服器在處理一樣。




Video conference systems provide a new approach for people to communicate with each other beyond the restriction of geographies. There are three types of a video conference system: the broadcast, the peer-to-peer conference, and the group (multipoint) conference. A group conference system is more complex, and usually needs more equipment in this architecture. All the client-nodes connect to a central sever, and send/receive their data to/from the server. We try to develop a PC-based video conference on LANs. In our architecture, we utilize the properties of multicast and eliminate the needs for an expensive multipoint control unit. Since we eliminate the multipoint control unit in our architecture, the functions of MCU, such as video switching, video mixing, signalling, and controlling, should be implemented in another way. We approach this problem by a distributed way that each node handles signalling and controlling and synchronizes there contact lists with other nodes. Even without central server, all the users in our architecture can get almost the same and accurate user list, and create chat room as they need.


Video Conferencing


[5]ITU-T Recommendation H.323 Version 5, “Packet-based multimedia communications systems”
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[10]D. A. Cobbley, “Multipoing LAN conferencing”, Compcon Spring ’93, Digist of Papers, pages 502-506, 1993
[11]J. Coppola, S.M. Merritt,and “A. Stix, PC-based video conferencing guidelines for opening a remote section of a course”, Proceeding of 27th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. ‘Teaching and learning in an Era of Change’ Volume: 2, pages 585-587, 1997
