  • 學位論文


The possibility of making a peace constitution in Taiwan – the Article 9 of Japan's Constitution as a reference

指導教授 : 翁岳生 許志雄 李炳南


和平乃人民長久以來所企求的,在人類的歷史中,不斷上演戰爭與和平的戲碼,如何達到和平無戰爭的狀態,始終是人類欲達到的理想境界。人類雖堅信和平意識,然而此意識的存在是否可以說是一種『神話』呢?和平主義有實現的可能性嗎?和平能否成為人權之一環?在台灣有複雜的歷史因素,兩岸的緊張關係,更隨著中國反分裂法的制定有升高的趨勢,近日國會中更有軍購案、和促法制定的爭端,凸顯出兩岸問題與國家安全的複雜程度。和平是目前多數人民的心聲,然而如何和平解決紛爭,如何止戰,如何創造和平架構,這是大家對於台灣前途最引頸企盼的路線。為此,環顧國內外情勢,國際潮流紛紛朝向和平的方向邁進,和平為人類所共同慾求的最終目標,筆者乃決定嘗試以和平為出發點,考量日本憲法第九條的精神與運作實態,探討和平在台灣適用的可能性以及台灣是否能成為一個和平憲法的國家?同時,鑑於此課題的重要性,擬以和平憲法之可能性為主題,副標題則是以日本憲法第九條為鑑,進行一系列的探討,以期釐清有關和平主義的相關議題,並收拋磚引玉之效。故在問題的陳述方面,顧及研究的目的與特殊見解,乃以下列子議題的探討過程與問題的鋪陳,作為問題陳述的方式。其子議題,分別如下: (1) 探討和平的原理與哲學基礎 (2) 探討和平、憲法與人權的互動關係—和平生存權的衍生 (3) 探討和平與民主政治的實踐—以日本憲法第九條為鑑 (4) 探討我國和平原理的實踐與方式—和平憲法之可能性


Peace is what people's always longing for, nevertheless, the state of war and the state of peace are in constant alternation during human's history. Therefore, to build a world of peace free from war is an ideal for man. Knowing that people insist on the importance of peace consciousness, however, the peace consciousness could it just be a "myth" after all ? Is there any possibility of making the pacifism eventually come true ? Could peace become a part of human rights ? The fact is that the cross-strait relations have been deteriorated due to the set-up of China's anti-secession law ; some controversial issues have become a source of conflicts in the Congress - such as arms procurement or the peace promotion law ; moreover, it exists certain complicated historical factors in Taiwan. All the issues mentioned above show up the complexity of the cross-strait issue and of the national security. As we know, the majority of people want to keep the peace they enjoy now, so to settle disputes via peaceful way instead of making war, and to build up a framework of peace for Taiwan’s future have become the most concerned issues. Meanwhile, the international community tends to embrace peace, that is to say peace has become the ultimate goal of mankind. The author here tries to use the notion of peace as the base of discussion, then extends the discussion to the sprit as well as the practice of the Article 9 of Japan’s Constitution, to see if there’s any possibility of making and applying a peace constitution in Taiwan, and to clarify some related issues of pacifism. To develop the up-coming dissertation, the author would like to use the following sub-titles : (1) The theory and philosophical fundament of peace. (2) The interaction between peace, constitution and human rights – the derivative of the right to live in peace. (3) The practice of peace and democracy - Article 9 of Japan's Constitution as a reference. (4) The practice of peace theory in our country and its way – the possibility of making a peace constitution.


constitution peace right to peace peace constitution


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