  • 學位論文


Effects of Temperature, Shading, Nitrogen and Potassium, and Storage on Growth and rooting of Dendranthema ×grandiflora Stock and Cuttings

指導教授 : 葉德銘


摘要 (Abstract) 本論文研究溫度、遮陰、氮鉀肥濃度及儲運對盆菊[Dendranthema ×grandiflora (Ramat.) Kitamura]母本及插穗生長之影響。盆菊‘紅顏’生長於30/25℃、25/20℃及20/15℃,分別配合8、16及24 mM氮。30/25℃處理者母本生長勢較差,插穗莖基部亦較硬,且氮濃度對母本生長勢並無顯著差異,顯示30/25℃為母本生長之限制因子。然而30/25℃下配合施用16或24 mM氮處理者,其根數及根長均較施用8 mM氮者高。 於秋冬季以未遮陰及遮陰40%,分別配合8、16及24 mM氮處理對盆菊‘止光’試驗。結果顯示秋冬季遮陰40%為母本生長之限制因子。未遮陰處理,配合24 mM則有最佳發根表現。母本葉片氮濃度與插穗發根乾重呈正相關,而母本葉片澱粉濃度隨著葉片氮濃度由3.6%增加至4.6%時有降低現象,自3.6%增加至5.2%時,蔗糖:澱粉比例則有上升現象。 以16及24 mM氮,配合2、5及8 mM鉀處理對盆菊‘伊利登’及‘千禧’試驗,觀察插穗生長及發根表現,並以未施肥處理者為對照組。未施肥處理者,‘伊利登’及‘千禧’品種插穗產量較低,而插穗整體發根表現以24 mM氮配合8 mM鉀處理者較佳。‘伊利登’品種母本葉片氮濃度增加時,插穗根乾重亦有增加現象,且母本葉片澱粉濃度隨著葉片氮濃度自2.8%增加至4.1%時而降低,而蔗糖:澱粉比例則上升。 ‘綠丸’及‘孔雀’品種插穗於5℃黑暗儲藏0-21天,以儲藏8、12天者,發根表現較未儲藏者佳,而‘綠丸’於儲藏2、4天時,發根表現有下降情形,但‘孔雀’則以儲藏2天後,根長及根乾重較未儲藏者佳,且於儲藏12天者發根表現最佳。 以16及24 mM氮配合2及5 mM鉀,並以未施肥處理者為對照組,對盆菊‘紅顏’試驗,觀察其母本生長表現,並於取穗後,將插穗以5℃冷藏0、4及12天,而後扦插觀察其發根表現。未施肥處理者,母本株高、莖基部直徑及葉面積表現均不佳,且地上部:地下部比例較低。低溫儲藏後,澱粉及蔗糖濃度有下降情形,而葡萄糖及果糖濃度上升。24 mM氮處理者,插穗初始碳水化合物均較低,且儲藏過後澱粉濃度下降較劇烈,但儲藏12天後,以24 mM氮處理者,果糖濃度較高,而5 mM鉀處理者,儲藏12天後,葡萄糖及果糖濃度較2 mM鉀處理者高。未儲藏處理者,插穗發根表現以24 mM氮較16 mM氮處理者為佳,但儲藏4天後,5 mM鉀較2 mM鉀處理者,有較佳發根表現,然而儲藏12天後,發根表現均不佳。


盆菊 氮肥 鉀肥 儲藏 碳水化合物


Summary Effects of growth temperature, shading level, nitrogen and potassium supply concentration, and storage were studied on growth of pot mum [Dendranthema ×grandiflora (Ramat.) Kitamura]. To evaluate effects of nitrogen supply concentrations and temperature on growth, plants of ‘Blush’ were grown at three different day/night temperatures of 30/25℃, 25/20℃, and 20/15℃ and with 8, 16, and 24 mM nitrogen supply. Poor growth performance of stocks and stem hardness of cuttings were recorded in plants at 30/25℃ regardless of nitrogen supply concentration. High temperature at 30/25℃ appeared a limiting factor of stock growth. However, more root number and root length of cuttings were measured in plants at 30/25℃ with 16 and 24 mM nitrogen supply than at 8 mM nitrogen supply. To evaluate effects of nitrogen supply concentrations and shading level on growth, plants of ‘Stoplight’ were grown at 0% or 40% shadings with 8, 16, and 24 mM nitrogen supply during autumn and winter. Stocks at 40% shading exhibited in poor growth regardless of nitrogen supply concentrations, indicating low light intensity a limiting factor of stock growth during autumn and winter. Better rooting performance was recorded in cuttings at 40% shading with 16 mM nitrogen, or 0% shade with 24 mM nitrogen. Root dry weight of cuttings and stem and leaf sucrose: starch ratio increased, while leaf starch concentration decreased, with increasing leaf nitrogen concentration in stock plants. To evaluate effects of nitrogen and potassium supply concentrations on growth and rooting of cuttings, plants of ‘Iridon’ and ‘Millennium’ were grown at 16 and 24 mM nitrogen combined with 2, 5, and 8 mM potassium. Minimum cutting yield was recorded in no fertilizer treatment. Maximum rooting was found in cuttings at 24 mM nitrogen with 8 mM potassium. Root dry weight, sucrose: starch ratio increased, while leaf starch concentration decreased, with increasing leaf nitrogen concentration in ‘Iridon’ stock plants. To evaluate effects of the days of storage on rooting performance of cuttings, the cuttings of ‘Midorimaru’ and ‘Peacock’ were stored at 5℃ for 0 to 21 days in the dark. Rooting was improved in cuttings after stored for 8 and 12 days. To evaluated the effects of nitrogen and potassium supply concentration on stock growth, plants of ‘Blush’ were supplied with 16 and 24 mM nitrogen with 2 and 5 mM potassium. Cuttings were harvested on five occasions from all individual plots, and then stored at 5℃ for 0, 4, and 12 days in the dark. No fertilization decreased growth of stock and shoot: root ratio. Storage decreased starch and sucrose concentrations and increased glucose and fructose concentrations. Lower initial sugar levels were found in the cuttings that had been collected from the 24 mM nitrogen, and starch concentration decreased more rapidly after storage. However, higher fructose concentration was measured in the cuttings that had been colleted from the 24 mM nitrogen after stored for 12 days. After stored for 12 days, higher glucose and fructose concentrations were found in cuttings at 5 mM potassium. Rooting was measured in unstored cuttings at 24 mM nitrogen.


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