  • 學位論文


A Study of Evaluation Indicators for the Characteristics of NPOs Joining in Disaster Response

指導教授 : 陳亮全


台灣為發生災害風險極高的地區,歷年來多次重大的災害對台灣造成嚴重的衝擊,災害防救也成了各級政府重點工作項目,但災害防救工作所需大量的人力及金錢,因此來自民間的協助也更形重要。近年來非營利組織在台灣社會中展現活力,於許多公眾事物中嶄露頭角,其中對於重大災害發生後所投入的救援行動,更是在國人心目中留下深刻的印象。 然現今台灣卻缺少對於參與災害應變工作非營利組織相關的研究,本文緣此,將研究聚焦於此,先由文獻分析歸納找出『參與非營利組織參與災害應變工作所需特質』為何?並以此為基礎建立初步指標架構。再藉由模糊德爾菲專家問卷訪談的方式,針對由學者專家、政府官員、NPO實務工作者等三種群體受訪者,進行調查彙整其對評估指標的意見,篩選建立『參與災害應變工作非營利組織特性評估指標』。 本評估指標架構共分為評估面向、評估項目、評估細項等三個層級。7大面向分別是A使命、B功能、C組織、D平時運作、E應變救災、F人力資源、G財物資源其中共包含21個評估項目及51個評估細項。 為瞭解本研究建立指標之可操作性,選定2個運作健全的非營利組織,並對其以『非結構式焦點訪談法』進行試評估,評估之後對建立之指標有所探討,並做出日後操作時的建議。 期待本指標的建立可做為日後政府制訂相關輔導政策的參考及相關組織經營發展方向的依循方針。


Taiwan is a high potential disaster-happening area. There were lots of disasters striking Taiwan and causing of severe damages. Thus disaster management has become a major topic of the government’s policies. However, disaster management needs a great deal of financial and human resource to support. Therefore, the support from civic participation is getting important. Recently, NPO (Non Profit Organization) has been working brilliantly on many pubic affairs and also playing an important role in Taiwanese society. Especially, they worked hard on the rescue work after the serious disasters, which impressed Taiwanese, the most. The main theme of this research is the NPOs joining in disaster response in Taiwan. Firstly, we defined the characteristics of NPOs joining in disaster response by the documentary analysis. All of the characteristics were basis for setting up the primary evaluation indicators framework. Secondly, the research data were all colleted by the opinions of scholars, government employees, and the staffs of NPO via Fuzzy Delphi questionnaires. We assessed and summarized each factor of the primary evaluation Indicators framework from different groups. Finally we established the evaluation indicators for the characteristics of NPOs joining in disaster response. This evaluation indicator includes 3 layers: 7 dimensions, 21 items, and 51 factors. The 7 dimensions are listed as following: A. Mission, B. Function, C. Organization, D. Operation, E. Response, F. Human resource, and G. Fortune resource. In order to realize whether this evaluation indicator is doable or not, the analysis of this research used the method of non-structure interview on the two NPOs I had chosen. After the experimental evaluation had been finished, this research gave some suggestion for the future operation. The evaluation indicator is in hope to be the guidance of government to make related policies and to develop NPOs in the future.


NPO Disaster Response Evaluation Indicator


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周欣融(2011)。宗教團體參與災害防救工作角色之探討 -以台灣基督長老教會、法鼓山參與921震災災後應變與重建為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.00769
