  • 學位論文


Study of The Causes of Fatalities in Construction

指導教授 : 荷世平


我國營造業職業災害93年死亡千人率【 】為0.131較前4年(89~92年)平均值減少44.2%,但與世界工業先進國家相比91年美國0.12.英國0.051.日本0.12比較,高出許多;另就我國營造業職業災害死亡千人率與全產業及製造業相比亦高出許多;各國勞工部門無不致力於減少職業災害之發生。以美國勞工部OSHA為例,所制定2003-2008執行計畫策略中,以減少作業勞工死亡及傷殘為首要目標,我國勞工主管部門亦計畫2年內(94-95)全產業減少作業勞工死亡率與殘廢率各20%。 本研究以台北縣、基隆市、桃園縣、新竹縣、新竹市、宜蘭縣、花蓮縣、連江縣等地區87~94年營造業重大職災案例為分析探討對象,研究主要針對罹災勞工性別、年齡、工作經驗、投保情形、和解情形、外籍勞工等個人與工程金額、承攬關係、僱用勞工人數等事業單位之基本事項及災害本身之發生時間、地區性、媒介物、災害類型等情形進行研究分析,並進一步就災害發生原因加以探討。最後對工程類型之差異性作進一步比較,又災害類型、媒介物在不同工程類型下之差異性。 災害原因探討,其中「事故因果論」--人機間的互動、後果嚴重程度與發生頻率間的關係、不安全行為原因、事故的成本以及管理者在事故預防上所應扮演的角色,再就「骨牌理論」--事故發生的因果關係可歸納成一連串五個主要因子,視之為五張骨牌(domino)。相關理論及研究皆分為直接與間接損失二部分來探討,間接損失難以估計,可能遠大於其直接成本損失(冰山特性)。 有關法令修訂對職災預防之貢獻度及執法尺度調整等對災害發生之影響差異性等,進行分析;另外經由設施與措施二方面作深入之探討,其中設施雖是造成災害發生之間接原因,但更多措施確是災害發生之基本原因,也就是事業單位管理層面上發生很大之瑕疵。本研究經由前述分析探討,找出相關之因應措施,並據以提出建議以作為事業單位從事營造行為及政府主管單位執法或修法時之參考。 關鍵字:重大職業災害、死亡千人率、災害類型、媒介物


The mortality rate【 】in occupational accident in construction industry is 0.131 per 1,000 person in 2004 in Taiwan, declined 44.2% to average of 2000 to 2003. Comparing to US 0.12 (2002), UK 0.051 (2002) and Japan 0.12 (2002), it’s still above average. Besides, The mortality rate in occupational accident in construction industry is higher than average in industry as a whole and manufacture industry. US OSHA relates to decrease worker death, injury and disability is its primary goal in its strategy 2003-2008. Competent authority here in Taiwan also declares to reduce 20% in death rate and injury and disability rate in 2 years. This thesis discusses the major cases in occupational accident in construction industry in some selected areas like Taipei County, Keelung City, Taoyuan County, Hsinchu County, Hsinchu City, Elan County, Hualien County, Lienchiang County from 1998 to 2005. We focus on personal data like gender, age, working experience, insurance, reconciliation, foreign laborer and enterprise basic data like construction work value, contract relationship, labor numbers. Also we take the peril occuring period, area, media, type into account. We analysis whether the different type of construction have different type of peril and media. To discuss the cause of peril (hazard), 「The Theory of Accidental Causation」- interaction between worker and machine, consequence and frequency, non safety cause, cost of peril and preventive action taken by management, then, 「Domino Theory」-causations of peril can be divided into 5 dominos. Revelent theories indicate that the amount of indirect losses are much more than direct losses(characteristic of iceberg). We analysis the amendment of regulation by competent authority to prevent occupational accident to occurance of occupational accident. Next we compare facilities and measures, although the facilities are the indirect cause to occur the occuptional accident, more measures are the basic cause. That is entity management has big problems.This thesis would like to find some measures to recommend the entities and compentent authority. The Key Word:The Occupational Accident,The Mortality Rate Per 1,000 Person,A Calamity Type,Medium.


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