  • 學位論文


The roles of matrix-metalloproteinase in orthodontic treatment

指導教授 : 姚宗珍


實驗室中培養的類成骨母細胞(MG63 cell)受壓後,其細胞間質代謝酶有上升的情形,本實驗目的為了解在人體臨床矯正治療中牙周組織受壓後是否有類似的表現。臨床徵求需要拔除阻生智齒之年輕病患參與實驗,上矯正器擠壓智齒一天、三天或七天後將智齒拔除,同時取得部分拔牙須移除的齒槽骨作為實驗組,另一側智齒之齒槽骨為控制組收集為實驗標本。齒槽骨脫鈣後進行細胞間質代謝酶MMP-3及MMP-10之免疫組織化學染色。染色結果顯示骨頭部分在推擠三天的實驗組有較為明顯的反應,一天及七天的實驗組多為染色反應較弱,而在少部分的控制組也有染色反應,推測可能其控制側的智齒仍未完全萌發停止或有局部慢性發炎的現象影響結果。而標本的軟組織及血管方面,無論是實驗或控制組都有明顯染色反應,顯示MMP-3及MMP-10在軟組織及血管上有其正常生理作用,與是否受到壓力推擠無關。雖然本實驗因為收集的標本數不夠多,以致結果未達到統計上的意義,但仍能看出在接受矯正力量的推擠後,骨頭中的MMP-3及MMP-10有增加的情形。這是第一個以矯正力量作用於人體牙齒上而能取下周圍骨質標本的實驗設計,進而印証在體外實驗的發現。


In the preliminary study, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) were up regulated after using a cyclic compression force applied to MG63 osteosarcoma cell line. In order to test whether the MMPs are upregulated in the compressed tissue during orthodontic treatment, patients with mesially angulated third molars, were recruited to have brackets bonded to push the third molars distally for 1,3 or 7 days. The third molars of experimental side were extracted and the distal covered bone was removed for further analysis. The other side was used as internal control. Samples were decalcified and the immunohistochemistry of MMP-3 and MMP-10 of the tissue indicated that the distal bone of compression group for 3 days demonstrated strong positive staining. The bone of compression groups for 1 or 7 days was less reactive. Some positive reaction on the bone of control side was noticed, possibly resulted from spontaneous eruption or inflammation of the third molar of control side. Regarding the soft tissue and vascular reaction, both experimental and control sides showed strong positive reaction. The result indicates that MMP-3 and MMP-10 may play important roles in soft tissue and vessels under normal physiological conditions. Though this result did not reach statistical significance due to few patients recruited, the tendency revealed that MMP-3 and MMP-10 can both be up-regulated in the bone surface during orthodontic treatment. This is the first human experiment design to retrieve bone tissue under orthodontic force to correlate the findings obtained in vitro.




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