  • 學位論文


Atomic Iodine Ionization Mechanics by Photoelectron Imaging

指導教授 : 劉國平


本論文討論的是在245.5 - 261.6 nm的波長範圍內,甲基碘A-帶光解後所生成的碘原子的光電子影像和I+光譜,以此來研究碘原子的游離動力學。 通過分析碘原子的光電子影像和I+光譜,得到了碘原子的兩種游離機制。 一者為甲基碘光解後,生成的碘原子處於基態,這些處於基態的碘原子,共振吸收兩個光子,被激發到一個中間雷德堡態,處於此中間態的碘原子,再吸收第三個光子後游離,這就是所謂的碘原子(2+1)雙光子共振游離。 另一者為甲基碘光解後,生成的碘原子處於激發態,這些處於激發態的碘原子,吸收兩個光子後被激發到所謂的超激發態,處於超激發態的碘原子,其能量已經超過了碘原子的游離勢,藉由來自離子核的自旋翻轉釋放出雷德堡電子,或者離子核的內部電子和雷德堡電子交互作用影響而導致游離,我們以一簡易的理論對此自動游離現象作一定性說明。 通過研究不同波長下碘離子能態的分支比,證實碘離子收斂的能態和其遊離前的雷德堡態有直接關係。 通過分析碘離子的光譜特徵,發現碘原子的這兩種不同的游離機制也在碘離子的光譜特徵上表現出來。


This thesis is about the ionization of atomic iodine following A-band photolysis of CH3I by the photoelectron imaging. In the experiment, the laser is operated in the range of 245.5 - 261.6 nm. Final state-specific speed and angular distributions of the photoelectron were recorded. Two types of the photoelectron resulted from ionizing the I atom from the photodissociation of CH3I were identified: (a) (2+1) REMPI of the ground state I atom, and (b) two-photon excitation of spin-orbit excited I to autoionizing resonances converging to the 3P1 state of I+. Analysis of relative branching ratios to different levels of I+ (in case (a)) revealed that the final ion level distributions are generally dominated by the preservation of the ion-core configuration of the intermediate resonant Rydberg state. A qualitative interpretation of the electron angular distribution from an autoionization process is also given.


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