  • 學位論文


The Simulation and Analysis of Mechatronic Control Systems for Wind Turbines

指導教授 : 江茂雄 陳義男


本研究為國科會 '離岸型風力發電機葉片設計之研究' 整合型計劃下之子計畫 '風力發電機機電控制之研究',旨在發展風力發電機機電控制系統模擬及分析,針對風力發電機葉片機電系統建立詳細之非線性數學模型,包含:葉片空氣動力、液壓變螺距控制(Pitch control)系統、行星齒輪增速系統、變速型發電機系統以及轉向(Yaw)系統等,利用MATLAB/SIMULINK軟體進行風力發電機葉片之機電控制系統之非線性動態模擬(Dynamic simulation)分析,實現葉片變螺距控制、變轉速控制、功率控制以及機艙之轉向控制(Yaw control),將結合國科會'離岸型風力發電機葉片設計分析'整合型計劃之研究團隊,所設計葉片翼型之空氣動力特性分析結果為基礎進行全風力發電系統整合模擬,藉由模擬實現風力發電系統運轉於低於額定風速下藉由變轉速控制,不同風速下以達成追蹤最大功率,運轉於高於額定風速下藉由液壓變螺距控制,使發電量維持額定功率輸出,實現變速型風力發電系統之特色。 並針對液壓變螺距控制系統進行設計及分析,將發展創新之變轉速泵控液壓系統驅動變螺距系統,並結合現代控制理論-具自調式模糊滑動補償之適應性模糊控制器,將推導詳細非線性模型,並模擬以實現變螺距控制系統,作為後續發展實驗研究之基礎。 本文同時建構風力發電機全機組之動態數學模擬程式及動態模擬分析程式,可做為未來進行風力發電機系統設計時之分析工具,可協助得到最佳化之系統設計。


The study is one of the subprojects under the project, The Blade Design and Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines. The mechatronic control systems of the wind blades of wind turbines are investigated. We have developed the simulation and analysis of Mechatronic Control Systems for Wind Turbines”, the nonlinear models of the mechatronic control of wind blades of wind turbine systems, including aerodynamic of blade, hydraulic pitch control system, speed enlarger of planet gear generator and yaw system...etc, are derived in detail and solved by MATLAB/SIMULINK for realizing nonlinear dynamic simulation to implement the pitch control ,the variable speed control, the power control as well as the yaw control by means of combination of the results of the blades that is designed according to aerodynamics of the project “ The Blade Design and Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines ”. The variable speed wind turbine systems is simulated. It can track maximum wind energy under rated wind speed by variable speed control and change pitch to adjust power above rated wind speed by pitch control. The novel mechanism of pitch control and a novel hydraulic pump-controlled servo systems driven with variable rotational speed driving system are designed and established. For that, a novel control strategy, adaptive fuzzy controller with self-tuning fuzzy sliding-mode compensation (AFC-STFSMC), is developed. The nonlinear models of the hydraulic pitch control system are derived in detail for realizing nonlinear dynamic simulation and regarded as the basis of the development in the future.


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